我是皮肤动画的新手,因此我花了一个月的时间来弄清楚为什么在对联合矩阵进行计算之后,动画当前无法输出正确的矩阵调色板。在GLTF 2.0皮肤教程中,它说明了如何计算用于蒙皮的关节矩阵:
jointMatrix(j) =
globalTransformOfNodeThatTheMeshIsAttachedTo^-1 *
globalTransformOfJointNode(j) *
void Animation::DoSampleJob(AnimJobSubmitInfo& job, r32 gt)
if (!job._output->_currState._bEnabled) { return; }
// This part is just calculating the local time progression, no issue here.
r32 tau = job._output->_currState._tau;
r32 rate = job._output->_currState._fPlaybackRate;
r32 lt = job._output->_currState._fCurrLocalTime + gt * rate;
if (lt > job._pBaseClip->_fDuration) {
lt -= job._pBaseClip->_fDuration;
job._output->_currState._tau = gt;
if (lt < 0.0f) {
lt = job._pBaseClip->_fDuration + lt;
if (lt < 0.0f) {
lt += job._pBaseClip->_fDuration;
job._output->_currState._tau = gt;
job._output->_currState._fCurrLocalTime = lt;
Skeleton* pSkeleton = Skeleton::GetSkeleton(job._pBaseClip->_skeletonId);
u32 currPoseIdx = 0;
u32 nextPoseIdx = 0;
GetCurrentAndNextPoseIdx(&currPoseIdx, &nextPoseIdx, job._pBaseClip, lt);
ApplyMorphTargets(job._output, job._pBaseClip, currPoseIdx, nextPoseIdx, lt);
if (EmptyPoseSamples(job._pBaseClip, currPoseIdx, nextPoseIdx)) { return; }
AnimPose* currAnimPose = &job._pBaseClip->_aAnimPoseSamples[currPoseIdx];
AnimPose* nextAnimPose = &job._pBaseClip->_aAnimPoseSamples[nextPoseIdx];
for (size_t i = 0; i < job._pBaseClip->_aAnimPoseSamples[currPoseIdx]._aLocalPoses.size(); ++i) {
JointPose* currJoint = &currAnimPose->_aLocalPoses[i];
JointPose* nextJoint = &nextAnimPose->_aLocalPoses[i];
Matrix4 localTransform = LinearInterpolate(currJoint, nextJoint, currAnimPose->_time, nextAnimPose->_time, lt);
job._output->_currentPoses[i] = localTransform;
ApplySkeletonPose(job._output->_finalPalette, job._output->_currentPoses, pSkeleton);
void Animation::ApplySkeletonPose(Matrix4* pOutput, Matrix4* pLocalPoses, Skeleton* pSkeleton)
if (!pSkeleton) return;
// This is where the issue is at, somewhere...
for (size_t i = 0; i < pSkeleton->_joints.size(); ++i) {
Matrix4 parentTransform;
Matrix4 currentPose;
u8 parentId = pSkeleton->_joints[i]._iParent;
if (parentId != Joint::kNoParentId) {
parentTransform = pLocalPoses[parentId];
// Now become world space joint matrices
currentPose = pLocalPoses[i] * parentTransform;
pLocalPoses[i] = currentPose;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pSkeleton->_joints.size(); ++i) {
pOutput[i] = pSkeleton->_joints[i]._InvBindPose * pLocalPoses[i] * pSkeleton->_joints[i]._invGlobalTransform;
void Animation::ApplySkeletonPose(Matrix4* pOutput, Matrix4* pLocalPoses, Skeleton* pSkeleton)
if (!pSkeleton) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pSkeleton->_joints.size(); ++i) {
Matrix4 parentTransform;
Matrix4 currentPose;
u8 parentId = pSkeleton->_joints[i]._iParent;
if (parentId != Joint::kNoParentId) {
parentTransform = pLocalPoses[parentId];
// Now become work space joint matrices
currentPose = pLocalPoses[i] * parentTransform;
pLocalPoses[i] = currentPose;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pSkeleton->_joints.size(); ++i) {
// Just calculating only the inverse bind pose, and global joint transform, removing the current pose.
pOutput[i] = pSkeleton->_joints[i]._InvBindPose * pSkeleton->_joints[i]._invGlobalTransform.Inverse();
static skeleton_uuid_t LoadSkin(const tinygltf::Node& node, const tinygltf::Model& model, Model* engineModel, const Matrix4& parentMatrix)
if (node.skin == -1) return Skeleton::kNoSkeletonId;
Skeleton skeleton;
tinygltf::Skin skin = model.skins[node.skin];
b32 rootInJoints = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < skin.joints.size(); ++i) {
if (skin.joints[i] == skin.skeleton) {
rootInJoints = true; break;
skeleton._name = skin.name;
skeleton._rootInJoints = rootInJoints;
const tinygltf::Accessor& accessor = model.accessors[skin.inverseBindMatrices];
const tinygltf::BufferView& bufView = model.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView];
const tinygltf::Buffer& buf = model.buffers[bufView.buffer];
struct NodeTag {
i32 _gltfParent;
u8 _parent;
Matrix4 _parentTransform;
std::map<i32, NodeTag> nodeMap;
for (size_t i = 0; i < skin.joints.size(); ++i) {
size_t idx = i;
Joint& joint = skeleton._joints[idx];
i32 skinJointIdx = skin.joints[i];
const tinygltf::Node& node = model.nodes[skinJointIdx];
NodeTransform localTransform;
auto it = nodeMap.find(skinJointIdx);
if (it != nodeMap.end()) {
NodeTag& tag = it->second;
localTransform = CalculateGlobalTransform(node, tag._parentTransform);
joint._iParent = tag._parent;
joint._invGlobalTransform = localTransform._globalMatrix.Inverse();
} else {
localTransform = CalculateGlobalTransform(node, Matrix4());
joint._iParent = 0xff;
joint._invGlobalTransform = localTransform._globalMatrix.Inverse();
DEBUG_OP(joint._id = static_cast<u8>(skinJointIdx));
for (size_t child = 0; child < node.children.size(); ++child) {
NodeTag tag = { static_cast<u8>(skinJointIdx), i, localTransform._globalMatrix };
nodeMap[node.children[child]] = tag;
const r32* bindMatrices = reinterpret_cast<const r32*>(&buf.data[bufView.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < accessor.count; ++i) {
Matrix4 invBindMat(&bindMatrices[i * 16]);
skeleton._joints[i]._InvBindPose = invBindMat;
return skeleton._uuid;
static void LoadNode(const tinygltf::Node& node, const tinygltf::Model& model, Model* engineModel, const Matrix4& parentMatrix, const r32 scale)
NodeTransform transform = CalculateGlobalTransform(node, parentMatrix);
if (!node.children.empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < node.children.size(); ++i) {
LoadNode(model.nodes[node.children[i]], model, engineModel, transform._globalMatrix, scale);
if (node.skin != -1) {
skeleton_uuid_t skeleId = LoadSkin(node, model, engineModel, transform._globalMatrix);
Mesh* pMesh = LoadSkinnedMesh(node, model, engineModel, transform._globalMatrix);
else {
LoadMesh(node, model, engineModel, transform._globalMatrix);
如果需要更多信息,请随时查看源代码 on my github.