如何从strava API获取运动员数据和行程?

时间:2018-10-22 09:46:45

标签: android api strava



public class ExampleAuthActivity extends StravaAuthenticateActivity {

     * Methods override START

     * Client ID
    protected String getStravaClientId() {
        return "29519";

     * Client Secret
    protected String getStravaClientSecret() {
        return "8d55af50a97a9f4b5269670de00bf5e6f4b9942d";

     * Scopes to auth for
     * (default public)
    protected Collection<String> getStravaScopes() {
        return Arrays.asList(StravaScopes.SCOPE_PUBLIC);

     * Should we use the local cache?
     * (default true)
    protected boolean getStravaUseCache() {
        return true;

     * Should we check a token (against Strava's API) or should we just assume it's good?
     * (default true)
    protected boolean getStravaCheckToken() {
        return true;

     * What intent should we kick off, given OK auth
    protected Intent getStravaActivityIntent() {
        return new Intent(this, ExampleMainActivity.class);

     * Should we finish this activity after successful auth + kicking off next activity?
     * (default true)
    protected boolean getStravaFinishOnComplete() {
        return true;

     * Methods override END


public class ExampleMainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tv_access_token);

        // Here's how you get the access token passed to the view:
        String accessToken = StravaAuthenticateActivity.getStravaAccessToken(this);
        String text = "Access Token:\n\n" + accessToken;


当我按下“ connect with strava”按钮时,它会给我这样的访问令牌enter image description here

现在我想知道的是如何访问和获取用户数据(例如名称,km等)并将其显示在我的应用程序中?我试图阅读Stravas文档,但我听不懂。 / p>

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