
时间:2018-10-18 01:59:23

标签: java

好吧,我一直像以前一样致力于此工作,并且不断出现新的错误,老实说,我只是想让它工作 就像是onlineTrade = input.nextLine()。toUpperCase.charAt();的问题一样就像我用char另一个做确切的事情一样,它的工作是如此混乱-我将其保留在包括input.nextLine和idk的大多数行中,如果brokerAssisted也出错了,因为我的程序可以编译并运行,但是 。也是我的初学者,这些东西只会让我旋转。我今天从这个小睡中抽了两小睡

char another = ' ';
char brokerAssisted = ' '; 
char onlineTrade = ' ';

System.out.printf("Do you want to calculate your stock purchases?  "
                    +"Enter 'Y' or 'N' to exit:  "); //PROMPT 2
another = input.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0);

while (Character.toUpperCase(another) == 'Y')
  noOfStocks = noOfStocks + 1; // CALCULATION 1

  System.out.printf("How many shares did you purchase?  "); // PROMPT 3
  shares = input.nextInt();

  System.out.printf("What is the price per share?  "); //PROMPT 4
  sharePrice = input.nextDouble();

  System.out.printf("Is this an online trade?  Enter 'Y' or 'N':  ");//PROMPT 5
  onlineTrade = input.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0);

  if (Character.toUpperCase(onlineTrade) == 'Y')

  else if (Character.toUpperCase(onlineTrade) != 'Y')
    System.out.printf("%nIs this a broker assisted trade?  Enter 'Y' or 'N':  "); //PROMPT 6
    brokerAssisted = input.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0);

  System.out.printf("%nEnter ‘Y’ to calculate the cost of another stock purchase or ‘N’ to exit:  "); //PROMPT 7
  another = input.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0);

if (noOfStocks > 0);
    System.out.printf("%nYEE-TRADE, INC.%nTOTAL COST OF STOCK PURCHASES%n");
    System.out.printf("FOR %s%n", customerName);
    System.out.printf("AS OF %1$Tb, %1TY\n%n", dateTime);
    totalStockCost = 0.0;
    System.out.printf("%n%nTotal Stock Cost:  $%.02f%n", totalStockCost);
    totalOnlineFees = 0.0;
    System.out.printf("Total Online Fees:  $%.02f%n", totalOnlineFees);
    totalCommissions = 0.0;
    System.out.printf("Total Commissions:  $%.02f%n", totalCommissions);
    totalCost = 0.0;
    System.out.printf("%nTOTAL COST:  $%.02f%n", totalCost); //PRINT 2
  }//END IF

    System.out.printf("Thank you for using Yee-Trade's stock purchase calculator!%n");//PRINT 4 

    noOfStocks = 0;

}//end main()

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