* A fetch function load balancer. Distributes requests to a set of backends; attempts to
* send requests to most recently healthy backends using a 2 random (pick two healthiest,
* randomize which gets requests).
* If all backends are healthy, tries to evenly distribute requests as much as possible.
* When backends return server errors (500-599) it retries idempotent requests
* until it gets a good response, or all backends have been tried.
* @param backends fetch functions for each backend to balance accross
* @returns a function that behaves just like fetch, with a `.backends` property for
* retrieving backend stats.
export default function balancer(backends: FetchFn[]) {
const tracked = backends.map((h) => {
if (typeof h !== "function") {
throw Error("Backend must be a fetch like function")
return <Backend>{
proxy: h,
requestCount: 0,
scoredRequestCount: 0,
statuses: Array<number>(10),
lastError: 0,
healthScore: 1,
errorCount: 0
const fn = async function fetchBalancer(req: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit
| undefined): Promise<Response> {
if (typeof req === "string") {
req = new Request(req)
const attempted = new Set<Backend>()
while (attempted.size < tracked.length) {
let backend: Backend | null = null
const [backendA, backendB] = chooseBackends(tracked, attempted)
if (!backendA) {
return new Response("No backend available", { status: 502 })
if (!backendB) {
backend = backendA
} else {
// randomize between 2 good candidates
backend = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0) ? backendA : backendB
const promise = backend.proxy(req, init)
if (backend.scoredRequestCount != backend.requestCount) {
// fixup score
// this should be relatively concurrent with the fetch promise
backend.requestCount += 1
let resp: Response
try {
resp = await promise
} catch (e) {
resp = proxyError
if (backend.statuses.length < 10) {
} else {
backend.statuses[(backend.requestCount - 1) % backend.statuses.length] =
if (resp.status >= 500 && resp.status < 600) {
backend.lastError = Date.now()
// always recompute score on errors
// clear out response to trigger retry
if (canRetry(req, resp)) {
return resp
return proxyError
return Object.assign(fn, { backends: tracked })
const proxyError = new Response("couldn't connect to origin", { status:
502 })
export interface FetchFn {
(req: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined): Promise<Response>
* Represents a backend with health and statistics.
export interface Backend {
proxy: (req: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined) =>
requestCount: 0,
scoredRequestCount: 0,
statuses: number[],
lastError: number,
healthScore: number,
errorCount: 0
// compute a backend health score with time + status codes
function score(backend: Backend, errorBasis?: number) {
if (typeof errorBasis !== "number" && !errorBasis) errorBasis = Date.now()
const timeSinceError = (errorBasis - backend.lastError)
const statuses = backend.statuses
const timeWeight = (backend.lastError === 0 && 0) ||
((timeSinceError < 1000) && 1) ||
((timeSinceError < 3000) && 0.8) ||
((timeSinceError < 5000) && 0.3) ||
((timeSinceError < 10000) && 0.1) ||
if (statuses.length == 0) return 0
let requests = 0
let errors = 0
for (let i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++) {
const status = statuses[i]
if (status && !isNaN(status)) {
requests += 1
if (status >= 500 && status < 600) {
errors += 1
const score = (1 - (timeWeight * (errors / requests)))
backend.healthScore = score
backend.scoredRequestCount = backend.requestCount
return score
function canRetry(req: Request, resp: Response) {
if (resp && resp.status < 500) return false // don't retry normal boring
errors or success
if (req.method == "GET" || req.method == "HEAD") return true
return false
function chooseBackends(backends: Backend[], attempted?: Set<Backend>) {
let b1: Backend | undefined
let b2: Backend | undefined
for (let i = 0; i < backends.length; i++) {
const b = backends[i]
if (attempted && attempted.has(b)) continue;
if (!b1) {
b1 = b
if (!b2) {
b2 = b
const old1 = b1
b1 = bestBackend(b, b1)
if (old1 != b1) {
// b1 got replaced, make sure it's not better
b2 = bestBackend(old1, b2)
} else {
b2 = bestBackend(b, b2)
return [b1, b2]
function bestBackend(b1: Backend, b2: Backend) {
if (
b1.healthScore > b2.healthScore ||
(b1.healthScore == b2.healthScore && b1.requestCount < b2.requestCount)
) {
return b1
return b2
export const _internal = {