Opencart 3.02新的库类,它不起作用

时间:2018-10-16 18:29:41

标签: class opencart

我在云中有一台具有以下功能的服务器: Centos的7.2 Opencart 3.0.2

我正在创建一个名为Delivery的新类,我从/ catalog / model / checkout / order / addOrder调用其功能之一


$ date_delivery = $ this-> customer-> termFinal ($ day, $ month, $period);

此新类从天月份和交货天数计算订单的交货时间。 我收到以下错误:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function 
getCustomerConfiguration () on null in 
/var/www/html/system/library/cart/customer.php:742 Stack trace: # 0 / var 
/ www / html / catalog / model /checkout/order.php(409): Cart \ Customer-> 
termFinal ('16 ',' 10 ',' 2 ') 
# 1 / var / www / html / system / storage / modification / system / engine / loader. php (248): ModelCheckoutOrder-> updateOrderAuth (Array) 
# 2 /var/www/html/system/engine/proxy.php(47): Loader -> {closure} (Array, Array) 
# 3 / var / www / html / catalog / controller / account / order_auth.php (516): Proxy -> __ call ('updateOrderAuth', Array) 
# 4 /var/www/html/system/storage/modification/system/engine/action.php(79 ): ControllerAccountOrderAuth-> update () 
# 5 /var/www/html/catalog/controller/startup/router.php(25): Action-> execute (Object (Registry)) 
# 6 / var / www / html / system /storage/modification/system/engine/action.php(79): ControllerStartupRouter-> index () 
# 7 /var/www/html/system/engine/router.php(72): Action-> execute (Object (Registry )) 
# 8 /var/www/html/system/engine/router.php(61): Router-> execute (Object (Action)) 
# 9 / v in /var/www/html/system/library/cart/customer.php on line 742



namespace Cart;
class Delivery {

 private $ anio;
    private $ holidays;
    private $ holidays Mobile = array ();
    private $ holidays = array ();
    private $ dateDelivery;

public function __construct ($ registry) {
      $ this-> config = $ registry-> get ('config');
      $ this-> customer = $ registry-> get ('customer');
      $ this-> cart = $ registry-> get ('cart');
      $ this-> session = $ registry-> get ('session');
      $ this-> db = $ registry-> get ('db');
      $ this-> tax = $ registry-> get ('tax');
      $ this-> cart-> getCustomerConfiguration (); <=== THIS IS THE FUNCTION
      $ anio = date ("Y");
      $ holidays = ($ this-> session-> data ['holidays'])? $ this-> session-> data ['holidays']: 0;

    (! empty ($ anio))? $ this-> anio = (int) ($ anio): null;
    (! empty ($ holidays))? $ this-> holidays = explode (",", $ holidays): null;
        if (! empty ($ holidays)) {
        foreach ($ this-> holidays as $ date) {
        $ this-> holidays [] = $ date. "-". $ this-> anio;
        // Thursday and Good Friday
      $ date = explode ('-', $ this-> jvSanto ($ this-> anio));
        $ this-> holidays [] = date ("j-n-Y", mktime (0,0,0, $ date [1], $ date [0] -3, $ date [2]));
        $ this-> holidays [] = date ("j-n-Y", mktime (0,0,0, $ date [1], $ date [0] -2, $ date [2]));
        // I add Mobile Holidays
        foreach ($ this-> feriadosMoviles as $ fecha) {
        for ($ f = $ this-> anio; $ f <($ this-> anio + 1); $ f ++) {
        $ holiday = $ date. "-". $ f;
                $ diaFeriado = $ this-> getDiaSemana ($ holiday);
                // $ dia = $ diaFeriado ['dia'];
                // $ correction = 0;
                $ this-> holidays [] = $ this-> getStringDate ($ diaFeriado ['unix']);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您已经分配了$ this-> cart

$ this-> cart = $ registry-> get ('cart');