我正在尝试将this C++ function转换为python3函数,但是当尝试使用两个图像(分别为48x49和45x49)运行它时,出现错误
“ np.copyto(DispImage,temp,where = ROI)
我最初从形状(300,164,3)变成形状(700,360)时出现错误,但随后我从图像中切出了第三维,以使其适合。至少我认为这很合适,但是由于某些原因,它不:/我已经尝试删除“ where = Roi”参数,没有改变任何事情。
import cv2
import numpy as np
def ShowManyImages(title, *args):
nArgs = len(args)
# If the number of arguments is lesser than 0 or greater than 12
# return without displaying
if(nArgs <= 0):
print("Number of arguments too small....\n")
elif(nArgs > 12):
print("Number of arguments too large, can only handle maximally 12 images at a time ...\n")
elif (nArgs == 1):
w = 1
h = 1
size = 300
elif (nArgs == 2):
w = 2
h = 1
size = 300
elif (nArgs == 3 or nArgs == 4):
w = 2
h = 2
size = 300
elif (nArgs == 5 or nArgs == 6):
w = 3
h = 2
size = 200
elif (nArgs == 7 or nArgs == 8):
w = 4
h = 2
size = 200
w = 4
h = 3
size = 150
# Create a new 3 channel image
DispImage = np.zeros((100 + size*w, 60 + size*h), dtype=np.uint8)
# Loop for nArgs number of arguments
i = 0
m = 20
n = 20
while i < nArgs:
# Get the Pointer to the IplImage
img = args[i]
img = img[:, :, 0]
# Check whether it is NULL or not
# If it is NULL, release the image, and return
if(img.size == 0):
print("Invalid arguments")
# Find the width and height of the image
x, y = img.shape
# Find whether height or width is greater in order to resize the image
maximum = (x if (x > y) else y)
# Find the scaling factor to resize the image
scale = maximum / size
# Used to Align the images
if( i % w == 0 and m!= 20):
m = 20
n+= 20 + size
# Set the image ROI to display the current image
# Resize the input image and copy the it to the Single Big Image
ROI = {"top":m, "left":n, "width":x/scale, "height":y/scale}
temp = cv2.resize(img, (int(ROI["width"]), int(ROI["height"])))
np.copyto(DispImage, temp, where=ROI)
i += 1
m += (20 + size)
# Create a new window, and show the Single Big Image
cv2.namedWindow( title, 1 )
cv2.imshow( title, DispImage )
if __name__ == '__main__':
img1 = cv2.imread("img/fish1.png")
img2 = cv2.imread("img/fish2.png")
ShowManyImages("test", img1, img2)