我需要创建10个频率最接近的垃圾箱;为了这, 我正在从库(ClassInt)使用具有以下样式的函数“ ClassInvervals” 用于分块某些数据的“分位数”。这适用于must列;但是,当我的某列中有1个数字重复太多次时,就会出现一个错误,提示某些括号不是唯一的,这是有道理的,假设最后+ 30%的列数据是相同的数字,因此该函数不会不知道如何分割垃圾箱。
df <- read.table(text="
1 5
2 29
3 4
4 26
5 4
6 17
7 4
8 4
9 4
10 25
11 4
12 4
13 5
14 14
15 18
16 13
17 29
18 4
19 13
20 6
21 26
22 11
23 2
24 23
25 4
26 21
27 7
28 4
29 18
30 4",h=T,strin=F)
2 1
4 11
5 2
6 1
7 1
11 1
13 2
14 1
17 1
18 2
21 1
23 1
25 1
26 2
29 2
有了此信息,首先我们应该将“ 4”视为唯一的bin。
X Bins
1 5 [2,6)
2 29 [27,30)
3 4 [4]
4 26 [26,27)
5 4 [4]
6 17 [15,19)
7 4 [4]
8 4 [4]
9 4 [4]
10 25 [19,26)
11 4 [4]
12 4 [4]
13 5 [2,6)
14 14 [12,15)
15 18 [15,19)
16 13 [12,15)
17 29 [27,30)
18 4 [4]
19 13 [12,15)
20 6 [6,12)
21 26 [26,27)
22 11 [6,12)
23 2 [2,6)
24 23 [19,26)
25 4 [4]
26 21 [19,26)
27 7 [6,12)
28 4 [4]
29 18 [15,19)
30 4 [4]
Moda <- function(x) {
ux <- unique(x)
ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]
Binner <- function(df) {
#Input is a matrix that wants to be binned
for (c in 1:ncol(df)) {
if (sapply(df,class)[c]=="numeric") {
VectorTest <- df[,c]
# Here I get the 10% of the values
TenPer <- floor(length(VectorTest)/10)
while((sum(VectorTest == Moda(VectorTest)))>=TenPer) {
# in this loop I manage to remove the values that
# are repeated more than 10% but I still don't know how to add it as a special bin
VectorTest <- VectorTest[VectorTest!=Moda(VectorTest)]
Counter <- Counter +1
binsTest <- classIntervals(VectorTest_Fixed, 10- Counter, style = 'quantile')
binsBrakets <- cut(VectorTest, breaks = binsTest$brks)
df[ , paste0("Binned_", colnames(df)[c])] <- binsBrakets
return (df)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
# devtools::install_github("moodymudskipper/cutr")
df$Bins <- smart_cut(df$X,list(10,"balanced"),"g",simplify = F)
# [2,4) [4,5) [5,6) [6,11) [11,14) [14,18) [18,21) [21,25) [25,29) [29,29]
# 1 11 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2
答案 1 :(得分:0)
#lets find the numbers that appear more than 10% of the time
large <- table(df$X) %>%
.[. >= length(df$X)/10] %>%
#these numbers appear less than 10% of the time
left_over <- df$X[!df$X %in% large]
#we want a total of 10 bins, so we'll cut the data into 10 - the number of 10%
left_over_bins <- cut(left_over, 10 - length(large))
#Let's combine the information into a single data frame
numbers_bins <- rbind(
n = left_over,
bins = left_over_bins %>% as.character,
stringsAsFactors = F
n = df$X[df$X %in% large],
bins = df$X[df$X %in% large] %>% as.character,
stringsAsFactors = F
table(numbers_bins$bins) %>% sort(T)
4 (1.97,5] (11,14] (23,26] (17,20]
11 3 3 3 2
(20,23] (26,29] (5,8] (14,17] (8,11]
2 2 2 1 1