
时间:2018-10-09 16:53:56

标签: r

我已经在R中使用readLines()读取了一个.txt文件。我没有在txt文件中提供行号(即显示行号)。 txt文件就是这种形式。

       paragraph1:Banks were early adopters, but now the range of applications 
            and organizations using predictive analytics successfully have multiplied. Direct marketing and sales.
     Leads coming in from a company’s website can be scored to determine the probability of a 
                            sale and to set the proper follow-up priority. 
paragraph2: Campaigns can be targeted to the candidates most 
                        likely to respond. Customer relationships.Customer characteristics and behavior are strongly 
                        predictive of attrition (e.g., mobile phone contracts and credit cards). Attrition or “churn” 
                    models help companies set strategies to reduce churn rates via communications and special offers. 
                Pricing optimization. With sufficient data, the relationship between demand and price can be modeled for 
            any product and then used to determine the best pricing strategy.



爱德华·卡尼给出的答案恰好就是这个。但是,如果我不使用“ paragraph(No。)”,该如何使用制表符/空格识别该段落?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



x <- readLines('text2.txt')
page_locs <- grep('page\\d:', x)
# add an element with the last line of the text plus 1
page_locs[length(page_locs)+1] <- length(x) + 1
# strip out the whitespace
x <- stripWhitespace(x)
# break the text into a list of pages, eliminating the `page#:` lines.
pages <- list()
# grab each page's lines into successive list elements
for (i in 1:(length(page_locs)-1)) {
  pages[[i]] <- x[(page_locs[i]+1):(page_locs[i+1]-1)]


for (i in 1:length(pages)) {
    # get the locations for the paragraphs
    para_locs <- grep('paragraph\\d:', pages[[i]])
    # add an end element
    para_locs[length(para_locs) + 1] <- length(pages[[i]]) + 1
    # delete the paragraph marker
    curr_page <- gsub('paragraph\\d:','',pages[[i]])
    curr_paras <- list()
    # step through the paragraphs in each page
    for (j in 1:(length(para_locs)-1)) {
        # collapse the vectors for each paragraph
        curr_paras[[j]] <- paste(curr_page[para_locs[j]:(para_locs[j+1]-1)], collapse='')
        # delete leading spaces for each paragraph if desired
        curr_paras[[j]] <- gsub('^ ','',curr_paras[[j]])
    # store the list of paragraphs back into the pages list
    pages[[i]] <- curr_paras
