AWS S3:如何获取S3上传结果

时间:2018-10-09 04:21:35

标签: batch-file amazon-s3

感谢the last advice,现在我们可以按批处理中的哈希值检查S3上传文件的完整性;

string path = Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.SubscriptionClient.FormatDeadLetterPath(topicPath, subscriptionName);    
var subscriptionClient = SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, path);  
BrokeredMessage message = subscriptionClient.Receive();

如果我们可以通过“ Etag”返回检测到S3上传成功,那么我们希望批量获取它以进行故障检测。


:: Get the MD5 Hased Value of local target file

:: Upload File to S3 with MD5 Hash Value 
aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %S3_SEND_DIR%/%FILE_NAME% --body %SEND_FILE% --metadata md5chksum=%HashBase64% --content-md5 %HashBase64%

-- Hash was matched between the local and uploaded S3 file, "Etag" was returned
    "ETag": "\"63df79d4c782a0df2186dda1c601931c\"" 



仅供参考。也许我们稍后会尝试“ S3选择”,但现在我们正在验证最简单的方法

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:: S3 Bucket Tag Create
aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %S3_SEND_DIR%/

:: Captuer Error ==> pre-uploading check. Backet name or anything else can be wrong
if %Errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERR_S3_BACKET

:: GetHash Value (Convert from Hex to Base64)
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%h in (`CertUtil -hashfile "%SEND_FILE%" MD5 ^| find /v ":"`) do set HashHex=%%h
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%h in (`cscript //nologo HexToBase64.vbs %HashHex%`) do set HashBase64=%%h

:: Failuer to get Hash Value
if not defined HashBase64 goto ERR_GET_HASH

:: s3 File Upload and captuer error codes 
aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %S3_SEND_DIR%/%FILE_NAME% --body %SEND_FILE% --metadata md5chksum=%HashBase64% --content-md5 %HashBase64% 
if %Errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERR_S3_UPLOAD

如果有人也知道如何获取错误详细信息或更聪明的方法。 附加信息或建议将不胜感激。
