
时间:2018-10-08 20:47:27

标签: java user-defined-functions



4的平方根= unitOne.Complex@5e481248

49的平方根= unitOne.Complex@66d3c617

27的立方根= unitOne.Complex@63947c6b




        package unitOne;
            import java.io.*;
            public class SolverForSqrtOfNegOne {
                public static void main(String[]args)throws IOException{//main function
                    BufferedReader input=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));//inputs
                    String again;
                    do {
                        System.out.println("enter the type of root (1,2,3,4 as in first root square root cube root fourth root etc)");//prompt
                        float rootType=Float.parseFloat(input.readLine());//inputs from user
                            while(rootType==0){//error check
                                System.out.println("wow youre so cool, you can find infinity! now enter something thats not the zeroth root");
                        System.out.println("whats under the root? (numbers only, no fractions, powers, scientific notation or anything else like that)");//prompt
                        double underRoot=Double.parseDouble(input.readLine());//inputs from user
                        System.out.println("answer is: ");
                        String x=String.valueOf(anyRoot(rootType,underRoot));

                            System.out.println("again? (y/n)");
                                while(!again.equals("y") && !again.equals("n")){
                                    System.out.println("please, please. enter either y or n for yes or no. thankyou");


//above this is point is just collecting and returning data.

//below this point is the actual method that returns the calculated value.

                    public static Complex anyRoot(float rootType, double underRoot){
                        if(underRoot<0 && rootType%2 == 0 && rootType>0) {//for i
                            underRoot=underRoot*(-1);//factoring out -1
                            underRoot=Math.pow(underRoot,(1.0/rootType));//rooting everything thats not negitive one
                            return new Complex (underRoot , "*i");//outputs root in terms of i
                        else if(underRoot<0 && rootType%2 == 1 && rootType>0) {//if odd number root
                            underRoot=underRoot*(-1);//factoring out -1
                            underRoot=-Math.pow(underRoot,(1.0/rootType));//rooting everything thats not negitive one
                            return new Complex (underRoot,"") ;//outputs root in terms of i
                        else if(rootType>0){//if the value given is positive
                            underRoot=Math.pow(underRoot,(1.0/rootType));//rooting everything thats not negitive one
                            return new Complex (underRoot,"") ;//outputs root in terms of i
                        else if (rootType<0) {//for negitive roots
                                if(underRoot<0 && rootType%2 == 0 && rootType>0) {
                                    underRoot=underRoot*(-1);//factoring out -1
                                    underRoot=Math.pow(underRoot,(1.0/rootType));//rooting everything thats not negitive one
                                    return new Complex (underRoot,"*i");//outputs root in terms of i
                                else if(underRoot<0 && rootType%2 == 1 && rootType>0) {
                                    underRoot=underRoot*(-1);//factoring out -1
                                    underRoot=-Math.pow(underRoot,(1.0/rootType));//rooting everything thats not negitive one
                                    return new Complex (1/underRoot,"");//outputs root in terms of i
                                    underRoot=Math.pow(underRoot,(1.0/rootType));//rooting everything thats not negitive one
                                    return new Complex (1/underRoot,"");//outputs root in terms of i
                        else {
                            return new Complex(0,"ERROR");
            class Complex {
                private double res1;
                private String res2;

             Complex(double res1, String res2) {
                    this.res1 = res1;
                    this.res2 = res2;

我收到了有关此程序的一些输入信息,该信息位于此处的上一个问题: Is there a way to return a Double AND a String from a single method in java?

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