var groundY = 570;
var playerX = 140;
var playerY = 100;
var playerWidth = 20;
var playerHeight = 50;
var playerSpeedY = 0;
// introduce a speed increment value for the left-right player movement
var playerSpeedX = 8;
//only allow jumping if the player is not already jumping
var jumping = true;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
function draw() {
//draw the ground
line(0, groundY, width, groundY);
//move the player
playerY += playerSpeedY;
if (keyIsDown(37)) {
if (playerX < 0) {
playerX == 0;
else {
// remember to indent your condition blocks
//playerX -= 8;
playerX -= playerSpeedX;
if (keyIsDown(39)) {
if (playerX >= (width - playerWidth)) {
playerX == width - playerWidth;
else {
// remember to indent your condition blocks
//playerX += 8;
playerX += playerSpeedX;
//Stops player from going out of top
if (playerY < 0 || playerY > height) {
// why 0.5? should use -1 to change direction
// check out the difference this will make!
playerSpeedY *= -1;
//is the player colliding with the ground?
if (playerY + playerHeight > groundY) {
//snap the player's bottom to the ground's position
playerY = groundY - playerHeight;
//allow jumping again
jumping = false;
//stop the player falling
playerSpeedY = 0;
//player is not colliding with the ground
else {
//gravity accelerates the movement speed
playerSpeedY ++;
//draw the player rectangle
rect(playerX, playerY, playerWidth, playerHeight);
function keyPressed() {
if (!jumping && keyCode === 32) {
//going up
playerSpeedY = -15;
//disallow jumping while already jumping
jumping = true;
//you can only jump if you aren't already jumping
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.6.1/p5.js"></script>