
时间:2018-10-01 18:07:47

标签: python callback slider bokeh


# Make the ColumnDataSource: source
source = ColumnDataSource(data={
 'x'       : df.loc['2016-10'].app_total,
 'y'       : df.loc['2016-10'].app_approval,
 'vertical' : df.loc['2016-10'].vertical,
 'name' : df.loc['2016-10'].name

# Create the figure: plot
plot = figure(title='Application Acceptance Rate 2016-10', 
     plot_height=400, plot_width=700))

# Add circle glyphs to the plot
plot.circle(x='x', y='y', fill_alpha=.8, source=source)

# Define the callback function: update_plot
def update_plot(attr, old, new):
    # set the `yr` name to `slider.value` and `source.data = new_data`
    month = pd.to_datetime(slider1.value + '-' + slider2.value)
    new_data = {
    'x': df.loc[month].app_total,
    'y': df.loc[month].app_approval,
    'segment': df.loc[month].vertical,
    'name': df.loc[month].name,
    month = pd.to_datetime(slider1.value + '-' + slider2.value)
    source.data = new_data
    # Add title to figure: plot.title.text
    plot.title.text = 'Application Acceptance Rate %Y-%m-%d' % month

# Make slider objects: slider1, slider2
slider1 = Slider(title="Year", start = 2016, end=2018, value= 2016, 
step= 1)
slider2 = Slider(title = 'Month', start = 1, end = 12, value = 10, step 
= 1)

# Attach the callback to the 'value' property of slider
slider1.on_change('value', update_plot)
slider2.on_change('value', update_plot)

# Make a row layout of widgetbox(slider1, slider2) and plot and add it 
to the current document
layout = row(widgetbox(slider1, slider2), plot)

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