因此,我训练了this jupyter code上可用的模型,现在我试图保存模型并在不同的图像上进行预测。我能够运行它和got this result after training。
然后,我保存了模型,将其加载并在同一张图像上再次进行了预测。 This is the result after testing on the restored model。显然我做错了,要么保存模型,要么加载模型。
在def run():
with tf.Session() as session:
# Returns the three layers, keep probability and input layer from the vgg architecture
image_input, keep_prob, layer3, layer4, layer7 = load_vgg(session, VGG_PATH)
# The resulting network architecture, adding a decoder on top of the given vgg model
model_output = layers(layer3, layer4, layer7, NUMBER_OF_CLASSES)
logits, train_op, cross_entropy_loss = optimize(model_output, correct_label, learning_rate, NUMBER_OF_CLASSES)
# Create saver
saver = tf.train.Saver()
# Initilize all variables
session.run([tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()])
# train the neural network
train_nn(session, EPOCHS, BATCH_SIZE, get_batches_fn,
train_op, cross_entropy_loss, image_input,
correct_label, keep_prob, learning_rate)
# Save inference data
helper.save_inference_samples(RUNS_DIRECTORY, DATA_DIRECTORY, session, IMAGE_SHAPE, logits, keep_prob, image_input)
# Save model
saver.save(session, "./fcn_liquid_model", global_step = 500)
with tf.Session() as session:
# Restore variables and model
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("./fcn_liquid_model-500.meta")
saver.restore(session, tf.train.latest_checkpoint("./"))
print("Model restored.")
# Returns the three layers, keep probability and input layer from the vgg architecture
image_input, keep_prob, layer3, layer4, layer7 = load_vgg(session, VGG_PATH)
# The resulting network architecture, adding a decoder on top of the given vgg model
model_output = layers(layer3, layer4, layer7, NUMBER_OF_CLASSES)
logits = tf.reshape(model_output, (-1, NUMBER_OF_CLASSES))
# Initilize all variables
session.run([tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()])
helper.save_inference_samples(RUNS_DIRECTORY, DATA_DIRECTORY, session, IMAGE_SHAPE, logits, keep_prob, image_input)