问题: 我将时间序列数据存储在DataFrame中。每个列(向量)都需要应用一个函数。该函数返回3个附加向量,我想将它们附加到原始DataFrame中。
代码: 以下代码的第一部分是我在普通熊猫中的解决方案。第二部分是我使它在Dask中起作用的方法。
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import dask
import datetime
from dask import delayed
from dask import visualize
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
#### Helper functions
def peak_detection_smoothed_zscore_v2(x, lag, threshold, influence):
iterative smoothed z-score algorithm
Implementation of algorithm from https://stackoverflow.com/a/22640362/6029703
import numpy as np
labels = np.zeros(len(x))
filtered_y = np.array(x)
avg_filter = np.zeros(len(x))
std_filter = np.zeros(len(x))
var_filter = np.zeros(len(x))
avg_filter[lag - 1] = np.mean(x[0:lag])
std_filter[lag - 1] = np.std(x[0:lag])
var_filter[lag - 1] = np.var(x[0:lag])
for i in range(lag, len(x)):
if abs(x[i] - avg_filter[i - 1]) > threshold * std_filter[i - 1]:
if x[i] > avg_filter[i - 1]:
labels[i] = 1
labels[i] = -1
filtered_y[i] = influence * x[i] + (1 - influence) * filtered_y[i - 1]
labels[i] = 0
filtered_y[i] = x[i]
# update avg, var, std
avg_filter[i] = avg_filter[i - 1] + 1. / lag * (filtered_y[i] - filtered_y[i - lag])
var_filter[i] = var_filter[i - 1] + 1. / lag * ((filtered_y[i] - avg_filter[i - 1]) ** 2 - (
filtered_y[i - lag] - avg_filter[i - 1]) ** 2 - (filtered_y[i] - filtered_y[i - lag]) ** 2 / lag)
std_filter[i] = np.sqrt(var_filter[i])
return [labels, avg_filter, std_filter]
def make_example_data():
# Make example data
y = np.array(
[1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.1, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 0.9,
1, 1.1, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.2, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1, 1.5, 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 3,
2.6, 4, 3, 3.2, 2, 1, 1, 0.8, 4, 4, 2, 2.5, 1, 1, 1])
# simulate data stored in individual files
df = pd.DataFrame(
"Time": np.arange(len(y)),
"y1": y,
"y2": y * 2,
"y3": y ** 2,
"yn": y ** (y)
bigdf = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(10):
_df = df
# create my partitioning column
_df["session"] = "S0" + str(i)
bigdf = pd.concat([bigdf, _df], axis=0)
# return a normal dataframe that looks similar to a dask dataframe
return bigdf
# Settings: lag = 30, threshold = 5, influence = 0
lag = 30
threshold = 5
influence = 0
############# Normal Pandas Solution ########################
bigdf = make_example_data()
results_df = pd.DataFrame()
columns = list(bigdf.columns)
for col in columns:
res1 = bigdf.groupby("session")[col].apply(peak_detection_smoothed_zscore_v2, lag, threshold, influence)
res1 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(a).T for a in res1])
res1.columns = [col + "_Signal", col + "_meanFilter", col + "_stdFilter"]
results_df = pd.concat([results_df, res1], axis=1)
pd_results = pd.concat([bigdf, results_df], axis=1)
############### Dask Solution ############################
bigdf = make_example_data()
ddf = dd.from_pandas(bigdf, npartitions=10)
columns = list(ddf.columns)
# remove columns that don't have the function applied to them
# get all the different sessions
sessions = ddf.groupby("session").count().compute().index.tolist()
# column names that get returned by my function
returns = ["_Signal", "_meanFilter", "_stdFilter"]
# list to hold example series for meta data
rcols = []
for col in columns:
for r in returns:
s = pd.Series([])
s.name = col + r
results = pd.DataFrame(rcols).T
results = dd.from_pandas(results, npartitions=len(sessions))
for session in sessions:
sess_df = ddf[ddf["session"] == session].compute()
# making a dask df to store the results in
sess_results = dd.from_pandas(sess_df, npartitions=1)
for col in columns:
# returns a list of 3 lists
res = peak_detection_smoothed_zscore_v2(sess_df[col], lag, threshold, influence)
# turn 3 lists into a dataframe of 3 columns
res = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(a).T for a in res]).T
_cols = [col + "_Signal", col + "_meanFilter", col + "_stdFilter"]
res.columns = _cols
# do this iteratively cause I can't figure out how to do it in a single line
for cc in _cols:
sess_results[cc] = res[cc]
# NOTE: If memory is a problem could probably throw this to disk here
# append session results to main results
results = results.append(sess_results)
dd_results = results.compute()
print("Are my Dask results the same as my Pandas results?", dd_results.shape == pd_results.shape)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我最终要做的是将数据从羽毛文件移至bcolz ctables。这使我能够更改数据帧/表,而无需Dask带来麻烦。而且我可以肯定,我不必担心计算机内存不足。
import bcolz
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import dask
import datetime
from dask import delayed
from dask import visualize
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
from copy import copy
def peak_detection_smoothed_zscore_v2(x, lag, threshold, influence, lst=True):
iterative smoothed z-score algorithm
Implementation of algorithm from https://stackoverflow.com/a/22640362/6029703
import numpy as np
labels = np.zeros(len(x))
filtered_y = np.array(x)
avg_filter = np.zeros(len(x))
std_filter = np.zeros(len(x))
var_filter = np.zeros(len(x))
avg_filter[lag - 1] = np.mean(x[0:lag])
std_filter[lag - 1] = np.std(x[0:lag])
var_filter[lag - 1] = np.var(x[0:lag])
for i in range(lag, len(x)):
if abs(x[i] - avg_filter[i - 1]) > threshold * std_filter[i - 1]:
if x[i] > avg_filter[i - 1]:
labels[i] = 1
labels[i] = -1
filtered_y[i] = influence * x[i] + (1 - influence) * filtered_y[i - 1]
labels[i] = 0
filtered_y[i] = x[i]
# update avg, var, std
avg_filter[i] = avg_filter[i - 1] + 1. / lag * (filtered_y[i] - filtered_y[i - lag])
var_filter[i] = var_filter[i - 1] + 1. / lag * ((filtered_y[i] - avg_filter[i - 1]) ** 2 - (
filtered_y[i - lag] - avg_filter[i - 1]) ** 2 - (filtered_y[i] - filtered_y[i - lag]) ** 2 / lag)
std_filter[i] = np.sqrt(var_filter[i])
return [labels, avg_filter, std_filter]
def make_example_data():
# Make example data
y = np.array(
[1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.1, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1, 1, 0.9,
1, 1.1, 1, 1, 1.1, 1, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.2, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1, 1.5, 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0.9, 1, 1, 3,
2.6, 4, 3, 3.2, 2, 1, 1, 0.8, 4, 4, 2, 2.5, 1, 1, 1])
# simulate data stored in individual files
df = pd.DataFrame(
"Time": np.arange(len(y)),
"y1": y,
"y2": y * 2,
"y3": y ** 2,
"yn": y ** (y)
bigdf = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(10):
_df = df
# create my partitioning column
_df["session"] = "S0" + str(i)
bigdf = pd.concat([bigdf, _df], axis=0)
# return a normal dataframe that looks similar to a dask dataframe
return bigdf
def ctable_append(cts):
A function to append multiple ctables and clean up the disk entries along the 0 axis
similar to pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0)
:param cts: a string containing the root directory path or a list of ctables
:return: ctable
import shutil
ctables = []
first = True
# check if we are getting a list or a root dir
if type(cts) == str:
cts = bcolz.walk(cts)
for ct in cts:
if first is True:
ct1 = ct
first = False
return ct1
# Settings: lag = 30, threshold = 5, influence = 0
lag = 30
threshold = 5
influence = 0
bigdf = make_example_data()
results_df = pd.DataFrame()
columns = list(bigdf.columns)
for col in columns:
res1 = bigdf.groupby("session")[col].apply(peak_detection_smoothed_zscore_v2, lag, threshold, influence)
res1 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(a).T for a in res1])
res1.columns = [col + "_Signal", col + "_meanFilter", col + "_stdFilter"]
results_df = pd.concat([results_df, res1], axis=1)
pd_results = pd.concat([bigdf, results_df], axis=1)
bigdf = make_example_data()
sessions = list(set(bigdf['session']))
root_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'example_data')
# breaking this example dataset out into something a little more like my real dataset
for session in sessions:
sdf = bigdf[bigdf['session'] == session]
sess_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, session)
bcolz.ctable.fromdataframe(sdf, rootdir=sess_dir)
dnapply_cols = [
] # columns that are not signals to find peaks in
lazy_apply = []
# apply my function to all the data.. making the extra columns
# don't think that Dask is really needed here as I'm not sure if it actually distributes the tasks
# when I ran this on a lot more data I only had one maybe two cores doing anything.
# this could have been because of the cost of memory but my ram didn't really go beyond being
# half used.
for ct in bcolz.walk(root_dir):
for column in ct.cols.names:
if column not in dnapply_cols:
# signal, mean_filter, std_filter = delayed(peak_detection_smoothed_zscore_v2)(ct[column], lag, threshold, influence)
res = delayed(peak_detection_smoothed_zscore_v2)(ct[column], lag, threshold, influence)
lazy_apply.append(delayed(ct.addcol)(res[0], name=column + "_Signal"))
lazy_apply.append(delayed(ct.addcol)(res[1], name=column + "_meanFilter"))
lazy_apply.append(delayed(ct.addcol)(res[2], name=column + "_stdFilter"))
# combine all ctables into a single ctable
ct1 = ctable_append(root_dir)
dd_results = dd.from_bcolz(ct1, chunksize=74) # chose a chunk size of 74 cause thats about how long each session df was
print(dd_results.head(), dd_results.compute().shape, pd_results.shape)
print("Are my Dask results the same as my Pandas results?", dd_results.compute().shape == pd_results.shape)