Ocaml noobie Q - 如何使用累积参数?

时间:2009-02-07 21:22:12

标签: ocaml

我正在尝试通过从Project Euler处理Problem 18来学习Ocaml。我知道我想做什么,我只是想不出如何来做。


let list1 = [1;2;3;4;5];;
let list2 = [ 6;7;8;9];;
let line = [9999];;

我想将数字list2添加到list1中的最大相邻数字,IOW我会添加6 + 2,7 + 3,8 + 4和9 + 5来获取列表[8; 10; 12; 14] 。列表行[]是一个虚拟变量。


let rec meld3 l1 l2 accum =
   if List.length l2 = 1 then
     List.append accum [ (hd l2 + max (hd l1) (hd (tl l1)))]
     List.append accum [ (hd l2 + max (hd l1) (hd (tl l1)))];
     meld3 (tl l1) (tl l2) accum ;

let fu = meld3 list1 list2 line ;;

List.iter print_int fu;;

运行之后,我希望line = [9999; 8; 10; 12; 14],而是line = [9999]。 OTOH,fu打印出[999914]。

当我单步执行代码时,代码按照我的预期执行,但没有任何改变; else块中的accum永远不会被修改。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


let rec meld3 l1 l2 accum =
   if List.length l2 = 1 then
     List.append accum [ (hd l2 + max (hd l1) (hd (tl l1)))]
     List.append accum [ (hd l2 + max (hd l1) (hd (tl l1)))];
     meld3 (tl l1) (tl l2) accum ;


let rec meld3 l1 l2 accum = match l1, l2 with
| x1::x2::xs, [y] ->   (* here the length of l2 is exactly 1 *)
     List.append accum [ y + max x1 x2 ]
| x1::x2::xs, y::ys ->   (* here the length of l2 is at least 1 *)    
    ( List.append accum [ y + max x1 x2 ]
    ; meld3 (x2::xs) ys accum

现在我认为你的困难的关键是对分号运算符的理解。如果我写( e1 ; e2 ),语义是 e1 被评估为的副作用(想想{ {1}})然后将e1的结果丢弃。我认为你想要的是 e1 的结果成为递归调用的printf的新值。因此,我们不是丢弃 e1 ,而是将其作为参数(这是计算实际发生变化的关键步骤):


下一步是观察我们违反了“不要重复自己”的原则,我们可以通过制作let rec meld3 l1 l2 accum = match l1, l2 with | x1::x2::xs, [y] -> (* here the length of l2 is exactly 1 *) List.append accum [ y + max x1 x2 ] | x1::x2::xs, y::ys -> (* here the length of l2 is at least 1 *) ( meld3 (x2::xs) ys (List.append accum [ y + max x1 x2 ]) ) 为空的基本案例来解决这个问题:



let rec meld3 l1 l2 accum = match l1, l2 with
| x1::x2::xs, [] ->   (* here the length of l2 is 0 *)
| x1::x2::xs, y::ys ->   (* here the length of l2 is at least 1 *)    
      meld3 (x2::xs) ys (List.append accum [ y + max x1 x2 ])

最后,对let rec meld3 l1 l2 accum = match l1, l2 with | _, [] -> accum | x1::x2::xs, y::ys -> meld3 (x2::xs) ys (List.append accum [ y + max x1 x2 ]) 的重复调用使代码成为二次方。这是累积参数的经典问题,并且有一个经典的解决方案:以相反的顺序累积答案列表:


我已将名称let rec meld3 l1 l2 accum' = match l1, l2 with | _, [] -> List.rev accum' | x1::x2::xs, y::ys -> meld3 (x2::xs) ys (y + max x1 x2 :: accum') 更改为accum;对于以相反顺序排列的列表,素数是常规的。最后一个版本是我编译的唯一版本,我还没有测试过任何代码。 (我在其他答案中测试了代码)。


答案 1 :(得分:5)



(* function to merge a list l of length N with a list l' of length N+1,
   such that each element of the merged lists consists of a triple
     (l[i], l'[i], l'[i+1])

let rec merge_rows l l' = match l, l' with
  | [], [last] -> []   (* correct end of list *)
  | x::xs, y1::y2::ys -> (x, y1, y2) :: merge_rows xs (y2::ys)
  | _ -> raise (Failure "bad length in merge_rows")

let sum_max (cur, left, right) = cur + max left right

let merge_and_sum l l' = List.map sum_max (merge_rows l l')

let list1 = [1;2;3;4;5]
let list2 = [ 6;7;8;9]

let answer = merge_and_sum list2 list1

如果您正在使用Euler 18,我建议您查看“动态编程”。