'Greensleeves The Scorpions 1965'
Greensleeves The Scorpions 1965
答案 0 :(得分:2)
use application "iTunes"
use scripting additions
###USER-DEFINED PROPERTIES: path, playlist
property path : "~/Desktop/trackdelete.list"
property playlist : "myPlaylist"
property text item delimiters : tab
tell the deleteList
if not (its file exists) then return -1
repeat with i from 1 to the length of its list
set [its name, its artist, its year] to ¬
[text item 1, text item 2, text item 3] of ¬
item i of its list
delete (playlistItem's track where ¬
name = deleteList's name and ¬
artist = deleteList's artist and ¬
year = deleteList's year)
end repeat
end tell
script playlistItem
property playlist : a reference to the playlist named (my playlist)
property track : a reference to every track of my playlist
end script
script deleteList
property application : application "System Events"
property file : a reference to file (my path) of my application
property list : null
property name : null
property artist : null
property year : null
to read
tell AppleScript to read (my file as alias)
set my list to the result's paragraphs
end read
end script
System info: AppleScript version: "2.7", system version: "10.13.6"