
时间:2018-09-20 03:38:59

标签: aframe aframe-super-hands

我正在测试'SELECT id, title, author, price FROM books ORDER BY '.$order.' ASC' 组件(来移动对象。同样,我正在设置// CommonNullifier is able to nullify its common field(s) type CommonNullifier interface { NullifyCommon() } // StructCommon contains the common struct fields type StructCommon struct { Common string } func (sc *StructCommon) NullifyCommon() { sc.Common = "" } // Struct1 embeds common fields, thus implements CommonNullifier type Struct1 struct { StructCommon Foo string } // Struct2 also embeds common fields, thus also implements CommonNullifier type Struct2 struct { StructCommon Bar string } // NullifyCommon nullfies the 'common' fields in the argument func NullifyCommon(s CommonNullifier) { s.NullifyCommon() } 手势组件。我要注意的是,一旦移动了对象,就无法“消除”移动的对象。它仍然处于可抓取状态。代码很简单



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