我正在使用ReliefF进行功能选择(使用名为“ CORElearn”的程序包)。以前效果很好。但是稍后,我想加快我的代码。由于我的代码中包含引导程序(每个循环都在做完全相同的事情,包括使用ReliefF),因此我将包“ parallel”用于并行计算。但是我意识到,每当涉及到ReliefF部分时,代码就只会停留在那里。
num.round <- 10 # number of rounds for bootstrap
rounds.btsp <- seq(1, num.round) # sequence of numbers for bootstrap, used for parallel computing
boot.strap <- function(round.btsp) {
## some codes using other feature selection methods
print('Finish feature selection using other methods') # I can get this output
# use ReliefF to rank the features
data.ref <- data.frame(t(x.train.resample), y.train.resample, check.names = F) # add the param to avoid changing '-' to '.'
print('Start using attrEval') # I’ll get this output, but then I'll get stuck here
estReliefF <- attrEval('y.train.resample', data.ref, estimator = 'ReliefFexpRank', ReliefIterations = 30)
names(estReliefF) <- fea.name # This command needs to be added because it's very annoying that 'attrEval' will change the '-' in the names to '.'
print('Start using estReliefF') # I’ll never get here
fea.rank.ref <- estReliefF[order(abs(estReliefF), decreasing = T)]
fea.rank.ref <- data.frame(importance = fea.rank.ref)
fea.rank.name.ref <- rownames(fea.rank.ref) # the ranked feature list for this round
results.btsp <- mclapply(rounds.btsp, boot.strap, mc.cores = num.round)
我现在在想的是函数“ attrEval”将使用多个内核进行并行计算(我在文档中读到了https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/CORElearn/CORElearn.pdf)。然后,将与我使用的并行设备发生某种冲突。当我将“ num.round”更改为1时,运行代码就没有问题(但是即使我将其设置为2,也无法使用)。
有没有办法解决这个问题?我在想关闭函数“ attrEval”的并行计算可能是一种解决方案?即使我不怎么做~~~
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Sys.setenv(OMP_NUM_THREADS = 8)
num.round <- 10
答案 1 :(得分:0)
从软件包Marko的贡献者那里得到了一个解决方案:通过在'attrEval'中使用参数maxThreads = 1来禁用CORElearn中的多线程