Currently I'm using Compare-Object
to compare the contents of two directories.
The directories contain a mix of subfolders, PDF files and some textfiles. The folders can contain upwards of 20,000+ files in 50,000+ folders, 1-2GB all told.
completes in about 4m30s for a compare of that size. I tried using this hashtable method to speed it up, but it produces a lot of false positives due to having some duplicate folder names in there (I think?).
Are there any other options to speed this thing up?
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
# Directories
$sourcedir = Get-ChildItem -Path $dir1 -Recurse
$destinationdir = Get-ChildItem -Path $dir2 -Recurse
# Differences
$differences = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $sourcedir -DifferenceObject $destinationdir
$output = $differences |
select @{l='File/Folder';e={$_.InputObject}},
"Found " + $differences.Count + " missing objects in " + $sw.Elapsed