
时间:2018-09-18 16:27:40

标签: javascript html


    <!doctype html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>WDV221 Intro Javascript</title>
    	border:thin solid black;
    	var studentName = "";	//global variable to be used later
    	var studentEmail = "";	//global variable to be used later
    	function displayGreeting()
    		alert("Hello! Welcome to WDV221 Intro Javascript");
    	function getStudentName()
    		studentName = prompt("Please enter your name");	
        function getStudentEmail()
            studentEmail = prompt("Please enter your e-mail address");
        function printStudentInfo()
            document.write("Student name:" + studentName + /n);
            document.write("Student email:" + studentEmail + /n);
        function displayEmail()
            alert("Student Email:  " + studentEmail);
        function displayEmailName()
            var atSymbol = 0;		//local variable that will store the location of the @ symbol
            //var emailNameOnly = "";	//local variable that will store the value of the name portion of the email address
            var emailNameOnly = studentEmail.substr(0,atSymbol);
            //alert( "Email name: " + studentEmail.substr(0,atSymbol) );
            alert ("Email name:  " + emailNameOnly);
        function displayEmailServer()
            var atSymbol = 0;		//local variable that will store the location of the @ symbol
            //var emailServerOnly = "";	//local variable that will store the value of the name portion of the email address
            var emailServerOnly = studentEmail.substr(atSymbol + 1);
            //alert( "Email name: " + studentEmail.substr(0,atSymbol) );
            alert ("Email name:  " + emailServerOnly);
    <div id="container">
      <h1>WDV221 Intro Javascript</h1>
      <h2>Unit-3 Functions</h2>
      <p>Tasks:  </p>
      <p>1. Run the displayGreeting( ) as a run time script.  </p>
      <p>2. Run the getStudentName( ) as a run time script.</p>
      <p>3. Write a function called getStudentEmail( ). The function should use the prompt( ) to ask the user to enter their DMACC Email address. Store the returned valued in the studentEmail variable that has already been defined.</p>
      <p>4. Run the getStudentEmail( ) as a run time script.</p>
      <p>5. Write a function called displayEmail( ). The function will display the studentEmail variable with a message &quot;Student Email:&quot; in an alert. The button below will call the function when clicked.</p>
                <input type="button" name="button" id="button" value="Display Email" onClick="displayEmail()">
      <p>6. Complete the function called printStudentInfo( ). The function should write the studentName and studentEmail to the web page. Each in their own paragraph.  </p>
      <p>7. Complete the displayEmailName( ). The function should display the name portion of the studentEmail variable. Do not include the @ symbol in the result. </p>
      <p>Modify the following button to call the displayEmailName( ) with a click event handler.</p>
                <input type="button" name="button2" id="button2" value="Display Email Name" onclick="displayEmailName()">
      <p>8. Write a function called displayEmailServer( ). The function will display that portion of the studentEmail that follows the @ symbol. Do not include the @ symbol in the result.</p>
      <p>9. Fix the  button element that will run the displayEmailServer( ) with a click event handler.</p>
                <input type="button" name="button3" id="button3" value="Display Email Server" onclick="displayEmailServer()">

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