在WebSphere Liberty中是否可以使用通配符获得队列许可?

时间:2018-09-14 09:41:56

标签: jms message-queue websphere-liberty open-liberty

WebSphere Liberty中的嵌入式消息传递服务器支持对队列的访问控制。在server.xml中,可以在 messagingEngine 部分下添加以下结构:

       <role name="queueAccess">
          <group name="admin"></group>
          <queuePermission queueRef="myQueues.queue_1">


我尝试了几种通配符,例如 myQueues * 或正则表达式 myQueues。* -但没有运气。我找不到有关通配符使用的任何文档,因此有人可以确认或拒绝在这种情况下通配符是否可用吗?

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From what I can see (digged into the code of openliberty), there is no wildcard handler for it.

I know jboss uses this wildcard for jms security handling:

. (a single period) Denotes the space between words in a wildcard expression.
# (a pound or hash symbol) Matches any sequence of zero or more words.
* (an asterisk) Matches a single word.

Maybe something to hint for the liberty community ;)