<div ng-model="eventSource" ui-calendar="calendarOptions" id="calendar"></div>
$scope.calendarOptions = {
isRTL: false,
height: 550,
eventLimit: true,
header: {
center: 'month,agendaWeek,listWeek'
eventRender: function(event, element) {
views: {
basic: {
eventLimit: 3
// options apply to basicWeek and basicDay views
agenda: {
eventLimit: 3
// options apply to agendaWeek and agendaDay views
week: {
// options apply to basicWeek and agendaWeek views
day: {
// options apply to basicDay and agendaDay views
我已经尝试过上述示例的日历视图,但是默认情况下无法打开今天的月份。...单击 todays