我有一个测试图像1600x1600。我将此作为灰度int值导入到矩阵中。然后我从该矩阵创建了4x4子矩阵,并在这些块中进行了一些数学运算并创建了新的块。现在我需要根据新的4x4块再次创建一个新的矩阵(1600x1600)。但是我无法创建循环。我总共有(1600/4 * 1600/4 = 160000)个子矩阵。 (当然我的程序不是静态的,输入图像可以是任何东西。这是用于测试图像的)。现在这是我的结构。
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("c:\\test.jpg");
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("c:\\test.jpg");
int width = bmp.Width; int height = bmp.Height;
while (y < height) {
while (x < width) {
pxl = bmp.GetPixel(x, y);
int_grayscale_map[x, y] = GetGrayScale(pxl); //getgrayscale is function that returns int value
int totalblocknumber = (width/4) * (height / 4); //160 000 in this case
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(FILENAME);
List<List<List<Int32>>> grayscale_map_block = newList<List<List<Int32>>>();
for (int row = 0; row < height; row += 4)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col += 4)
block.Add(new List<List<Color>>() {
new List<Color>() { image.GetPixel(col, row), image.GetPixel(col + 1, row), image.GetPixel(col + 2, row), image.GetPixel(col + 3, row)} ,
new List<Color>() { image.GetPixel(col, row + 1), image.GetPixel(col + 1, row + 1), image.GetPixel(col + 2, row + 1), image.GetPixel(col + 3, row + 1)} ,
new List<Color>() { image.GetPixel(col, row + 2), image.GetPixel(col + 1, row + 2), image.GetPixel(col + 2, row + 2), image.GetPixel(col + 3, row + 2)} ,
new List<Color>() { image.GetPixel(col, row + 3), image.GetPixel(col + 1, row + 3), image.GetPixel(col + 2, row + 3), image.GetPixel(col + 3, row + 3)} ,
grayscale_map_block.Add(new List<List<Int32>>() {
new List<Int32>() { GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col, row)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 1, row)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 2, row)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 3, row))} ,
new List<Int32>() { GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col, row + 1)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 1, row + 1)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 2, row + 1)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 3, row + 1))} ,
new List<Int32>() { GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col, row + 2)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 1, row + 2)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 2, row + 2)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 3, row + 2))} ,
new List<Int32>() { GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col, row + 3)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 1, row + 3)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 2, row + 3)), GetGrayScale(image.GetPixel(col + 3, row + 3))} ,
} // Getgrayscale is a function that input color return int value
所有。现在我有160000张4x4矩阵,尺寸为“ grayscale_map_block” 我正在使用此代码来获取块的元素 grayscale_map_block [n] [x] [y] /第n个块,x,y元素。 其中n = 0-总块数
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您可以这样映射[x,y]-> [n,x_,y_]:
n = (y / 4) * (width/4) + (x/4);
x_ = x % 4;
y_ = y % 4;
这个想法是要计算n是垂直使用子块的索引(y / 4),然后将其乘以一行中子块的数量(宽度/ 4),然后添加索引水平(x / 4)的子块。
x = (n % (width / 4)) * 4 + x_;
y = (n / (width / 4)) * 4 + y_;
这里的想法是从单个索引n中恢复子块的水平和垂直索引。垂直索引是n除以一行中子块的数量,即(宽度/ 4)。像素的垂直地址是垂直索引乘以4加上子块行。在水平方向上,再次使用模数运算符恢复块的水平索引。 n%(宽度/ 4)。然后类似地,乘以4并加x_以获得水平像素索引(列索引)。
注意:我提供的数学仅在宽度和高度是4的倍数时才有效。如果宽度和高度没有被4均分,那么您必须做稍有不同的数学,但是还需要处理不是4 x 4的子块,所以我假设您暂时不想这样做-但如果需要,我也可以为您提供帮助。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我没有使用列表,而是使用了2D数组。这要简单得多。 “块”只是2D阵列的2D阵列。我想您可以将其视为一个图像,其中每个像素都是完整图像,或者可以将其视为由微小正方形图像组成的网格。
/// <summary>
/// Example Image Processing class
/// Demonstrates treating images as 2D arrays.
/// </summary>
public class ImageProcessor {
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 2D array of Colors from a bitmap.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bm">The input bitmap</param>
/// <returns>The output Color array</returns>
public static Color[,] BitmapToColorArray(Bitmap bm) {
int width = bm.Width;
int height = bm.Height;
Color[,] colorArray = new Color[width, height];
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
colorArray[x, y] = bm.GetPixel(x, y);
return colorArray;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Bitmap from a 2D array of Colors.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="colorArray">The input Color 2D array</param>
/// <returns>The output bitmap</returns>
public static Bitmap ColorArrayToBitmap(Color[,] colorArray) {
int width = colorArray.GetLength(0);
int height = colorArray.GetLength(1);
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(width, height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
bm.SetPixel(x, y, colorArray[x, y]);
return bm;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a Color to a gray value 0-255.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">The input color</param>
/// <returns>The output gray value.</returns>
public static int ColorToGray(Color color) {
int gray = (color.R * 30 + color.G * 59 + color.B * 11) / 100;
return gray;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a gray value to a Color
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gray">The input gray value</param>
/// <returns>The output Color</returns>
public static Color GrayToColor(int gray) {
return Color.FromArgb(gray, gray, gray);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 2D gray array from a 2D Color array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="colorArray">The input 2D Color array</param>
/// <returns>The output 2D gray array</returns>
public static int[,] ColorArrayToGrayArray(Color[,] colorArray) {
int width = colorArray.GetLength(0);
int height = colorArray.GetLength(1);
int[,] grayArray = new int[width, height];
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
grayArray[x,y] = ColorToGray(colorArray[x, y]);
return grayArray;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 2D Color Array from a 2D gray array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="grayArray">The input 2D gray array</param>
/// <returns>The output 2D Color array</returns>
public static Color[,] GrayArrayToColorArray(int[,] grayArray) {
int width = grayArray.GetLength(0);
int height = grayArray.GetLength(1);
Color[,] colorArray = new Color[width, height];
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
colorArray[x, y] = GrayToColor(grayArray[x, y]);
return colorArray;
/// <summary>
/// Generic function to extract a 2D rectangular sub-area of an array as a new 2D array.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The generic type</typeparam>
/// <param name="src">The input 2D array</param>
/// <param name="srcx">The column of the top-left corner of the sub-area to extract</param>
/// <param name="srcy">The row of the top-left corner of the sub-area to extract</param>
/// <param name="dstWidth">The width of the sub-area to extract</param>
/// <param name="dstHeight">The height o fthe sub-area to extract</param>
/// <returns>The output 2D array</returns>
public static T[,] SubArray<T>(T[,] src, int srcx, int srcy, int dstWidth, int dstHeight) {
int srcWidth = src.GetLength(0);
int srcHeight = src.GetLength(1);
if (srcx < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (srcy < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (srcx + dstWidth > srcWidth) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (srcy + dstHeight > srcHeight) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
T[,] dst = new T[dstWidth, dstHeight];
for (int dsty = 0; dsty < dstHeight; ++dsty) {
for (int dstx = 0; dstx < dstWidth; ++dstx) {
dst[dstx, dsty] = src[srcx + dstx, srcy + dsty];
return dst;
/// <summary>
/// Generic function to convert a 2D array into blocks (2D array of 2D arrays)
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The generic type</typeparam>
/// <param name="src">The input 2D array</param>
/// <param name="blockSize">The width and height of each square block</param>
/// <returns>The output 2D array of 2D arrays</returns>
public T[,][,] ArrayToBlockArray<T>(T[,] src, int blockSize) {
int srcWidth = src.GetLength(0);
int srcHeight = src.GetLength(1);
if (srcWidth % blockSize != 0) throw new Exception(string.Format("Width must be divisible by {0}", blockSize));
if (srcHeight % blockSize != 0) throw new Exception(string.Format("Height must be divisible by {0}", blockSize));
int dstWidth = srcWidth / blockSize;
int dstHeight = srcHeight / blockSize;
T[,][,] dst = new T[dstWidth, dstHeight][,]; // The syntax for creating new array of arrays is weird.
for (int dsty = 0; dsty < dstHeight; ++dsty) {
for (int dstx = 0; dstx < dstWidth; ++dstx) {
dst[dstx, dsty] = SubArray(src, dstx * blockSize, dsty * blockSize, blockSize, blockSize);
return dst;
/// <summary>
/// Generic function to convert a 2D array of blocks (2D array of 2D arrays) back into a single 2D array.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The generic type</typeparam>
/// <param name="src">The input 2D array of 2D arrays</param>
/// <returns>The output 2D array</returns>
public T[,] BlockArrayToArray<T>(T[,][,] src) {
// assume uniform size
int blockWidth = src[0, 0].GetLength(0);
int blockHeight = src[0, 0].GetLength(1);
int srcWidth = src.GetLength(0);
int srcHeight = src.GetLength(1);
int dstWidth = srcWidth * blockWidth;
int dstHeight = srcHeight * blockHeight;
T[,] dst = new T[dstWidth, dstHeight];
for (int srcy = 0; srcy < srcHeight; ++srcy) {
for (int srcx = 0; srcx < srcWidth; ++srcx) {
for (int blocky = 0; blocky < blockHeight; ++blocky ) {
for (int blockx = 0; blockx < blockWidth; ++blockx) {
T[,] block = src[srcx, srcy];
if (block.GetLength(0) != blockWidth) throw new Exception(string.Format("Blocks must all have width {0}", blockWidth));
if (block.GetLength(1) != blockHeight) throw new Exception(string.Format("Blocks must all have height {0}", blockHeight));
int dstx = srcx * blockWidth + blockx;
int dsty = srcy * blockHeight + blocky;
dst[dstx, dsty] = src[srcx, srcy][blockx, blocky];
return dst;
/// <summary>
/// Example function that does end-to-end processing of a Bitmap.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="srcBitmap">The input bitmap</param>
/// <returns>The output bitmap</returns>
public Bitmap Process(Bitmap srcBitmap) {
const int blockSize = 4;
Color[,] srcColorArray = BitmapToColorArray(srcBitmap);
int[,] srcGrayArray = ColorArrayToGrayArray(srcColorArray);
int[,][,] srcBlockArray = ArrayToBlockArray(srcGrayArray, blockSize);
// TODO: Presumably you're going to modify the source block array.
int[,][,] dstBlockArray = srcBlockArray; // PLACEHOLDER: do nothing for now.
// Reconstitute a new bitmap from the (presumably modified) destination block array.
int[,] dstGrayArray = BlockArrayToArray(dstBlockArray);
Color[,] dstColorArray = GrayArrayToColorArray(dstGrayArray);
Bitmap dstBitmap = ColorArrayToBitmap(dstColorArray);
return dstBitmap;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
class BlockData
public int[,] data;
internal void reindex(int n, int x, int y, out int xx, out int yy)
const int blockSize = 4;
int width = data.GetLength(0);
int columns = width / blockSize;
int row = n / columns;
int col = n % columns;
xx = col * blockSize + x;
yy = row * blockSize + y;
public int this[int n, int x, int y]
int xx, yy;
reindex(n, x, y, out xx, out yy);
return data[xx, yy];
int xx, yy;
reindex(n, x, y, out xx, out yy);
data[xx, yy] = value;
public int this[int xx, int yy]
return data[xx, yy];
data[xx, yy] = value;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
BlockData b = new BlockData() { data = new int[1600, 1600] };
b[10, 5] = 999;
// (10,5) is in the 402nd block of 4x4 at (2,1) within that block.
Debug.Assert(b[402, 2, 1] == 999);
b[888, 3, 2] = 777;
// The 888th block is row 2, column 88. Its top-left is at ((88*4),(2*4)).
// (352 + 3, 8 + 2) = (355, 10)
Debug.Assert(b[355, 10] == 777);
使用相同的策略,您也可以将数据内部存储为一维数组,并提供从[n] [x] [y]到线性[i]的不同索引映射。