我正在研究一个脚本,该脚本可以动态生成3个不同的组件来构建网格:section-> row-> module。现在,我正在使用更新功能,该功能应该能够在创建新组件之后立即更新网格中存在的每个元素的ID:
function Update() {
// Define components variables
var sections = document.querySelectorAll('#canvas [data-component="section"]');
var rows = document.querySelectorAll('#canvas [data-component="row"]');
var modules = document.querySelectorAll('#canvas [data-component="module"]');
* Assign IDs to each existing section, row and module
// If there are sections...
if ( sections.length > 0 ) {
for ( var x = 0; x < sections.length; x++ ) {
sectionNum = x + 1;
sections[x].id = 'component-' + sectionNum;
// If there are rows...
if ( rows.length > 0 ) {
for ( var y = 0; y < rows.length; y++ ) {
// If this row is a descendant of that section...
if ( rows[y].parentElement.parentElement == sections[x] ) {
rowNum = y + 1;
rows[y].id = 'component-' + sectionNum + '-' + rowNum;
// If there are modules...
if ( modules.length > 0 ) {
for ( var z = 0; z < modules.length; z++ ) {
// If this module is a descendant of that row...
if ( modules[z].parentElement.parentElement == rows[y] ) {
moduleNum = z + 1;
modules[z].id = 'component-' + sectionNum + '-' + rowNum + '-' + moduleNum;
// If the loop has reached the end, reset the index and break
if ( modules.length - 1 === z ) { z = 0; break };
// If the loop has reached the end, reset the index and break
if ( rows.length - 1 === y ) { y = 0; break; };
// If the loop has reached the end, reset the index and break
if ( sections.length - 1 === x ) { x = 0; break; };
答案 0 :(得分:0)
* Update Components
function Update() {
* Assign IDs to each section, row and module
// Grab the sections contained in the canvas
var sections = document.querySelectorAll('#canvas [data-component="section"]');
if ( sections.length > 0 ) {
for ( var x = 0; x < sections.length; x++ ) {
// Increase num by 1 to avoid "0" as first index
var sectionNum = x + 1;
// Assign an ID to the current section
sections[x].id = 'component-' + sectionNum;
// Grab the rows contained in this section
var rows = document.querySelectorAll('#' + sections[x].id + ' [data-component="row"]');
if ( rows.length > 0 ) {
for ( var y = 0; y < rows.length; y++ ) {
// Increase num by 1 to avoid "0" as first index
var rowNum = y + 1;
// Assign an ID to the current row
rows[y].id = 'component-' + sectionNum + '-' + rowNum;
// Grab the modules contained in this row
var modules = document.querySelectorAll('#' + rows[y].id + ' [data-component="module"]');
if ( modules.length > 0 ) {
for ( var z = 0; z < modules.length; z++ ) {
// Increase num by 1 to avoid "0" as first index
var moduleNum = z + 1;
// Assign ID to module
modules[z].id = 'component-' + sectionNum + '-' + rowNum + '-' + moduleNum;
* Update Components
function Update() {
* Assign IDs to each section, row and module
// Grab the sections contained in the canvas
var sections = $('#canvas [data-component="section"]');
if ( sections.length > 0 ) {
$(sections).each( function(x) {
// Increase num by 1 to avoid "0" as first index
var sectionNum = x + 1;
// Assign an ID to the current section
$(this).attr('id', 'component-' + sectionNum);
// Grab the rows contained in this section
var thisSectionID = this.id;
var rows = $('#' + thisSectionID).find('[data-component="row"]');
if ( rows.length > 0 ) {
$(rows).each( function(y) {
// Increase num by 1 to avoid "0" as first index
var rowNum = y + 1;
// Assign an ID to the current row
$(this).attr('id', 'component-' + sectionNum + '-' + rowNum);
// Grab the modules contained in this row
var thisRowID = this.id;
var modules = $('#' + thisRowID).find('[data-component="module"]');
if ( rows.length > 0 ) {
$(modules).each( function(z) {
// Increase num by 1 to avoid "0" as first index
var moduleNum = z + 1;
// Assign an ID to the current module
$(this).attr('id', 'component-' + sectionNum + '-' + rowNum + '-' + moduleNum);
希望它可以帮助某个人! :)