
时间:2018-09-03 11:02:04

标签: php html sql mysqli sql-insert

我对PHP和SQL比较陌生。我正在一个小型PHP网站上工作,该网站应该包含聊天功能。现在,我的数据库中有了一个名为“ friendchat”的表。它具有五列:收件人,发件人,消息,日期,消息ID。日期列来自日期时间类型,消息ID为A_I。 因此,现在我写了以下PHP行,以将消息插入数据库。函数“ DB ::”包含在“ classes / DB.php”中。这种获取和插入数据的方法每次都对我有用,但是现在不行了:

include 'classes/DB.php'; 
if (isset($_POST['message-submit'])) { //activation of the send-button
    if(isset($_GET['userchat'])){ //this variable gets the name of the user you want to chat with which you could selected on the previous page
    $message = $_POST['message']; //gets the data from the textarea
    $receiver_id = DB::query('SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=:username', array(':username'=>$_GET['userchat'])[0]['id']);  //here i get the userid from the person i am chating to in order to be able to insert him in the friendchat table as receiver
    DB::query('INSERT INTO friendchat VALUES (:receiver, :sender, :message, \'\', \'\')', array(':receiver'=>$receiver_id, ':sender'=>$_SESSION['myid'], ':message'=>$_POST['message']));  //now the message,receiver, the sender, datetime and message-id will be inserted into the database
  echo "Unothorized access!";  //illegal access


<form action="index.php" method="POST" class="message-form">
      <input class="message" type="text" placeholder="message" name="message">
      <input class="submit" type="submit" name='message-submit' value="Send">
      </form> //form for getting the data from the website


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

include 'classes/DB.php'; 
if (isset($_POST['message-submit'])) { //activation of the send-button
    if(isset($_GET['userchat'])){ //this variable gets the name of the user you want to chat with which you could selected on the previous page

$message = $_POST['message']; //gets the data from the textarea

$receiver_id = DB::query('SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=:username', array(':username'=>$_GET['userchat'])[0]['id']);  //here i get the userid from the person i am chating to in order to be able to insert him in the friendchat table as receiver


打印出$ receiver_id的值以进行调试

您是否获得了$ receiver_id的值,如果没有,请返回步骤var_dump并将'$ _GET ['userchat'])[0] ['id'])'

$returnValue = DB::query('INSERT INTO friendchat VALUES (:receiver, :sender, :message, \'\', \'\')', array(':receiver'=>$receiver_id, ':sender'=>$_SESSION['myid'], ':message'=>$_POST['message']));  //now the message,receiver, the sender, datetime and message-id will be inserted into the database


保存查询结果并var_dump它。这样一来,您就可以查看插入后返回的是“ true”还是“ false”




  echo "Unothorized access!";  //illegal access