
时间:2018-08-24 13:05:54

标签: python theano

用于mnist的功能匹配GAN的原始实现是here,用Theano编写。不幸的是,我不太了解这种语言,想寻求帮助。基本上,我想知道using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.Networking.Match; using System; public class JoinGame : MonoBehaviour { List<GameObject> roomList = new List<GameObject>(); [SerializeField] GameObject roomListItemPrefab; [SerializeField] Transform roomListParent; [SerializeField] Text status; private NetworkManager networkManager; void Start() { networkManager = NetworkManager.singleton; if (networkManager.matchMaker == null) { networkManager.StartMatchMaker(); } RefreshRoomList(); } public void RefreshRoomList() { ClearRoomList(); networkManager.matchMaker.ListMatches(0, 20, "", false, 0, 0, OnMatchList); status.text = "Loading..."; } public void OnMatchList(bool success, string extendedInfo, List<MatchInfoSnapshot> responseData) { status.text = ""; if (!success) { status.text = "Couldn't get room list"; return; } responseData.ForEach(match => { GameObject _roomListItemGO = Instantiate(roomListItemPrefab); _roomListItemGO.transform.SetParent(roomListParent); RoomListItem _roomListItem = _roomListItemGO.GetComponent<RoomListItem>(); if (_roomListItem != null) { _roomListItem.Setup(match, JoinRoom); } //as well as setting up a callback function that will join the game roomList.Add(_roomListItemGO); }); if (roomList.Count == 0) { status.text = "No rooms at the moment"; } } public void JoinRoom(MatchInfoSnapshot _match) { Debug.Log($"Joining {_match.name}"); networkManager.matchMaker.JoinMatch(_match.networkId, "", "", "", 0, 0, networkManager.OnMatchJoined); ClearRoomList(); status.text = $"Joining {_match.name}..."; } private void ClearRoomList() { roomList.ForEach(item => { Destroy(item); }); roomList.Clear(); } } 的层号,它对应于用于特征匹配的特征图层。假设最后一个softmax层是最后一层(并考虑激活是层的一部分),这是第二层还是第三层?



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