除了字典中给定的数字外,我想从字符串中删除所有数字。我已经编写了将其删除的代码 但没有得到预期的结果。请在下面看看:
mystr=" hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 502 700 m 8745 given in this string. And getting request from the ip address 122521587502. This string tells about deleting digits 502 600 765 from this."
myDict={'600','700'} # set()
# snippet to remove digits from string other than digits given in the myDict
for w in myDict:
for x in mystr.split():
if (x.isdigit()):
if(x != w):
mystr.replace(x," ")
mystr=" hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 700 m given in this string. And getting request from the
ip address . This string tells about deleting digits 600 from this."
答案 0 :(得分:3)
import string
mystr= "hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 502 700 m 8745 given in this string. And getting request from the ip address 122521587502. This string tells about deleting digits 502 600 765 from this."
rep = lambda x: x if x in mySet else None
print( " ".join(filter(None, [rep(i) if i.strip(string.punctuation).isdigit() else i for i in mystr.split()])) )
hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 700 m given in this string. And getting request from the ip address This string tells about deleting digits 600 from this.
答案 1 :(得分:2)
这是另一种选择。它在点上添加空格,但也删除ip address
import re
mystr= "hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 502 700 m 8745 given in this
string. And getting request from the ip address 122521587502. This string
tells about deleting digits 502 600 765 from this."
print(" ".join("" if (i.isdigit() and i not in myDict) \
else i for i in re.findall(r'(?:\w+|\d+|\S)', mystr)))
hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 700 m given in this string . And
getting request from the ip address . This string tells about deleting digits
600 from this .
PS: 有一种糟糕的方法来固定点的空间:
print("".join("" if (i.isdigit() and i not in myDict) \
else i if i == '.' or i == ',' \
else ''.join([' ', i]) for i in re.findall(r'(?:\w+|\d+|\S)', mystr))
hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 700 m given in this string. And
getting request from the ip address. This string tells about deleting digits
600 from this.
答案 2 :(得分:1)
In [1]: mystr=" hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 502 700 m 8745 given in this string. And getting request from the ip address
...: 122521587502. This string tells about deleting digits 502 600 765 from this."
...: myDict={'600','700'}
...: mystr_l = mystr.replace('.', "").split()
...: to_remove = sorted(list({x for x in set(mystr_l) if x.isdigit() and x not in myDict}))
...: print(to_remove)
['122521587502', '502', '765', '8745']
In [4]: for x in to_remove:
...: mystr = mystr.replace(x, " ")
In [6]: print(mystr)
hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 700 m given in this string. And getting request from the ip addres . This string tells about deleting digits 600 from this.
def replace_digits(src_string, exclude_list):
result = src_string
string_l = src_string.replace('.', "").split()
to_remove = sorted(list({x for x in set(string_l) if x.isdigit() and x not in exclude_list}))
for x in to_remove:
result = result.replace(x, "")
return result
import re
def reg(src_string, exclude_list):
return " ".join("" if (i.isdigit() and i not in exclude_list) \
else i for i in re.findall(r'(?:\w+|\d+|\S)', src_string))
In [8]: %timeit replace_digits(mystr, mySet)
11.3 µs ± 31.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
In [9]: %timeit reg(mystr, mySet)
25.1 µs ± 21.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
您可以使用<table class="sturdy">
<div class="test">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Middle Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<th>Date of Birth</th>
<div class="test" *ngFor="let attribute of attributes">
存储要保留的数字序列,然后在遍历字符串时允许 O(1)查找。
import re
def remove_numbers(s, keep=None):
if keep:
keep = set(str(x) for x in keep)
return re.sub(r'\b\d+\b', lambda m: m.group() if m.group() in keep else '', s)
# Shortcircuit the use of a set if there is no sequence to keep
return re.sub(r'\b\d+\b', '', s)
allowed = {600, 700}
s = 'I want to delete this: 100 200. But keep this: 600 700'
print(remove_numbers(s, allowed))
答案 4 :(得分:0)
mystr= "hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 502 700 m 8745 given in this string. And getting request from the ip address 122521587502. This string tells about deleting digits 502 600 765 from this."
print( " ".join(c if not(bool(c.isdigit()) ^ bool(c in myDict)) else "" for c in mystr.split()) )
可以用作正则表达式模式来匹配上述情况。 (您可以使用this工具轻松调试正则表达式模式)。因此,代码段如下:
import re
isNum = lambda c: True if re.match("^[0-9]*[\,\.]?$",c) else False
func = lambda c: True if re.compile("[\,\.]").split(c) in myDict else False
print(" ".join(c if not(isNum(c) ^ func(c)) else "" for c in mystr.split()))
答案 5 :(得分:0)
exclude_set = {'600', '700'}
mystr=' hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 502 700 8745 given in this string. And getting request from the ip address 122521587502. 12.5 This string tells about deleting digits 502 600 765 from this.'
# Pre-process the string converting all whitespaces to single spaces
mystr = " ".join(mystr.split())
# Check if the word is both a digit and to be excluded
# Also catch any floats and full-stops
mystr_list = mystr.split()
for word in mystr_list:
if word.replace('.', '').isdigit() and word not in exclude_set:
# Replace word or remove digit
if word.endswith('.'):
mystr_list[mystr_list.index(word)] = '.'
# Combine the list to form your string
mystr = ' '.join(mystr_list)
print (mystr)
答案 6 :(得分:0)
您不需要使自己复杂化。只需通过执行dict(zip(mySet, mySet))
来确保import re
mySet1 =dict(zip(mySet, mySet))
re.sub("\\d+", lambda x:mySet1.get(x.group()), mystr)
Out[604]: 'hey I want to delete all the digits ex 600 700 m given in this string.
And getting request from the ip address . This string tells about
deleting digits 600 from this.'
var map = new Dictionary<string,Func<INotificationService>>
{ "EMAIL" : () => new EmailService() },
{ "PHONE" : () => new PhoneService() }