
时间:2018-08-23 12:40:06

标签: c# unity3d

在过去的几周里,我一直在搞很多事情,似乎找不到正确的方法。 我在Unity中进行此操作,但是本质上应该可以在环境中维护。



WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("ftps", new FtpsWebRequestCreator());
ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("ftps://" + IP + "/" + fileEndPath);
ftpRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(User, Password);
ftpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetFileSize;

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateCertificate);
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;

ftpResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpRequest.GetResponse();
ValidConnection = true;[/code]


  • 使用FtpWebRequest我可以下载文件,并且以前能够将文件作为AudioClip加载(老实说,我不知道为什么它随机停止工作,使用ftpwebrequest进行下载是...)类,但是因为我似乎找不到找到将其推入后台的方法。.我尝试使用streamWriter写入文件,但似乎没有用。

  • 使用UnityWebRequest我无法登录FTPS服务器,因为它是为基于HTTP的通信而设计的。

  • 使用WebClient,我能够登录到服务器(通过注册前缀,如上所示,并将其与useSsl bool设置为true的低级别关联),

    • 使用.DownloadFile无法下载文件,挂起Unity Main Thread。
    • 使用.DownloadFileAsyn能够下载文件,但没有读取权限,并且从不会调用Complete事件来继续使用WWW加载文件。


internal void Download(FileType fileType)
    IsDownloading = true;
    if (ValidConnection)

            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("ftps", new FtpsWebRequestCreator());
                client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUserID, ftpPassword);
                client.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(DownloadFileProgressChanged);
                client.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(DownloadFileCompleted);
                client.DownloadFileAsync(ftpIP, Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/" + ftpFilePath, fileType);
        catch (WebException ex)
            Debug.LogError(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + "\n");
        IsDownloading = false;



作为旁注, 我知道我的FTP服务器正在通过https://ftptest.net/正常运行 我的服务器日志(我自己托管,因此可以完全控制设置)显示所有正确的消息,直到RETR和Transfer Success消息为止。





(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> Connected, sending welcome message...
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> AUTH TLS
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> 234 Using authentication type TLS
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> SSL connection established
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> PBSZ 0
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> 200 PBSZ=0
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> PROT P
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> 200 Protection level set to P
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> USER Test
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> 331 Password required for test
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> PASS ********
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> 230 Logged on
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> OPTS utf8 on
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> 200 UTF8 mode enabled
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> PWD
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> 257 "/" is current directory.
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> CWD /
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory.
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> TYPE I
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> 200 Type set to I
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> PASV
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([MyIP],195,146)
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> RETR MainQuests.txt
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> 150 Connection accepted
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> SSL connection for data connection established
(000657)08/23/2018 22:51:32 - test ([MyIP])> 226 Transfer OK


这是使用C#任务时获得的日志,如Dan Flanagan的示例所示:

(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> Connected, sending welcome message...
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> AUTH TLS
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> 234 Using authentication type TLS
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> SSL connection established
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> PBSZ 0
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> 200 PBSZ=0
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> PROT P
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> 200 Protection level set to P
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> USER Test
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> 331 Password required for test
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - (not logged in) ([MyIP])> PASS ********
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 230 Logged on
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> OPTS utf8 on
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 200 UTF8 mode enabled
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> PWD
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 257 "/" is current directory.
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> CWD /
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory.
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> TYPE I
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 200 Type set to I
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> PASV
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([MyIP],195,147)
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> RETR MainQuests.txt
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 150 Connection accepted
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> SSL connection for data connection established
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 426 Connection closed;    transfer aborted. (000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> QUIT
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> 221 Goodbye
(000659)08/23/2018 22:58:10 - test ([MyIP])> disconnected.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我剥离了在Unity中使用过的旧的FTP下载器脚本。您可能想要将文件保存在Streaming Assets文件夹中。这应该可以帮助您。我用它来下载视频,他们从StreamingAssets文件夹中播放了视频,但下载器确实起作用了。

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;

public class FTPDownloader : MonoBehaviour

    public bool editorDownload;
    public string savePath;
    public string saveDir;
    public string username;
    public string pswd;

    public void StartDownload(string serverIP, string serverFolder, string fileName)
        string url = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", "ftp://", serverIP, serverFolder, fileName);
        Task task = new Task(() =>
            Download(url, fileName);

    void Download(string url, string fileName)
        if (!editorDownload)
        string path = Path.Combine(saveDir, fileName);

                //already downloaded
            FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, pswd);

            using (Stream ftpStream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
            using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(path))
                byte[] buffer = new byte[10240];
                int read;
                int total = 0;
                while ((read = ftpStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                    fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
                    total += read;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (File.Exists(path))