const quotesArray = [
"Here is quote 1",
"Here is quote 2",
"Here is quote 3",
// Get DOM elements that we will listen to and change.
const currentQuote = document.getElementById("current-quote");
const getNextQuote = document.getElementById('get-next-quote');
// Set initial quote to display
currentQuote.innerHTML = quotesArray[0];
// Set a variable to keep track the next quote to display.
let i = 1;
// Listen for a click and set HTML to the next quote in the array.
getNextQuote.addEventListener('click', () => {
const nextQuote = quotesArray[i];
currentQuote.innerHTML = nextQuote;
// Update i. Set i to 0 if we've reached the end of the array.
if (i === quotesArray.length - 1) {
i = 0;
} else {
i += 1;
<div id="get-next-quote">Get Next Quote</div>
<div id="current-quote"></div>