当我使用用户登录到系统时,它会创建一个通知-UID- userid 队列(目前,queueName由查询oaraeter发送,我将尽快实现更复杂的方法解决问题)
如果我在另一个浏览器上与另一个用户登录,它将创建另一个队列通知-UID- seconduserid 。
var amqp = require('amqp');
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('socket.io')(http);
var rabbitMqConnection = null;
var _queue = null;
var _consumerTag = null;
io.use(function (socket, next) {
var handshakeData = socket.handshake;
// Here i will implement token verification
// Gets the connection event form client
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
var queueName = socket.handshake.query.queueName;
console.log("Socket Connected");
// Connects to rabbiMq
rabbitMqConnection = amqp.createConnection({host: 'localhost', reconnect: false});
// Update our stored tag when it changes
rabbitMqConnection.on('tag.change', function (event) {
if (_consumerTag === event.oldConsumerTag) {
_consumerTag = event.consumerTag;
// Consider unsubscribing from the old tag just in case it lingers
// Listen for ready event
rabbitMqConnection.on('ready', function () {
console.log('Connected to rabbitMQ');
// Listen to the queue
rabbitMqConnection.queue(queueName, {
closeChannelOnUnsubscribe: true,
durable: false,
autoClose: true
function (queue) {
console.log('Connected to ' + queueName);
_queue = queue;
// Bind to the exchange
queue.bind('users.direct', queueName);
queue.subscribe({ack: false, prefetchCount: 1}, function (message, headers, deliveryInfo, ack) {
console.log("Received a message from route " + deliveryInfo.routingKey);
socket.emit('notification', message);
}).addCallback(function (res) {
// Hold on to the consumer tag so we can unsubscribe later
_consumerTag = res.consumerTag;
// Listen for disconnection
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log("Socket Disconnected");
var io = require('socket.io-client');
$(document).ready(function () {
var socket = io('http://myserver.it:8080/', {
query: { queueName: 'notification-UID-' + UID},
'sync disconnect on unload': true,
socket.on('notification', function (data) {
答案 0 :(得分:0)
所以我解决了我的问题,这是一个使问题弄乱的可变范围问题。 让我解释一下我在做什么,也许对某人可能有用。
交换是 fanout ( users.notification.fanout ),具有两个绑定的交换: users.direct (直接类型)和 users.notification.store (扇出类型)。
生产者发布通知时,会使用路由键“ notification-UID- 用户ID ”(其中,用户ID为实际用户ID)对users.notification.fanout进行操作。
通知对象同时转到users.direct和users.notification.store 最后一个使用程序的使用者将通知写入数据库,以防万一用户未登录,第一个使用程序将通知发布到浏览器。
每次用户登录时,socket.io都会创建一个带有名称和路由键通知-UID- userid 的队列,并将其绑定到users.direct交换。
所以我的 server.js 是
var amqp = require('amqp');
var fs = require('fs');
var app = require('express')();
// Https server, certificates and private key added
var https = require('https').Server({
key: fs.readFileSync('/home/www/site/privkey.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('/home/www/site/fullchain.pem')},app);
var io = require('socket.io')(https);
// Used to verify if token is valid
// If not it will discard connection
io.use(function (socket, next) {
var handshakeData = socket.handshake;
// Here i will implement token verification
console.log("Check this token: " + handshakeData.query.token);
// Gets the connection event from client
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
// Connection log
console.log("Socket Connected with ID: " + socket.id);
// Local variables for connections
// Former i've put these variables outside the connection so at
// every client they were "overridden".
// RabbitMq Connection (Just for current client)
var _rabbitMqConnection = null;
// Queue (just for current client)
var _queue = null;
// Consumer tag (just for current client)
var _consumerTag = null;
// Queue name and routing key for current user
var queueName = socket.handshake.query.queueName;
// Connects to rabbiMq with default data to localhost guest guest
_rabbitMqConnection = amqp.createConnection();
// Connection ready
_rabbitMqConnection.on('ready', function () {
// Connection log
console.log('#' + socket.id + ' - Connected to RabbitMQ');
// Creates the queue (default is transient and autodelete)
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/amqp#connectionqueuename-options-opencallback
_rabbitMqConnection.queue(queueName, function (queue) {
// Connection log
console.log('#' + socket.id + ' - Connected to ' + queue.name + ' queue');
// Stores local queue
_queue = queue;
// Bind to the exchange (default)
queue.bind('users.direct', queueName, function () {
// Binding log
console.log('#' + socket.id + ' - Binded to users.direct exchange');
// Consumer definition
queue.subscribe({ack: false}, function (message, headers, deliveryInfo, messageObject) {
// Message log
console.log('#' + socket.id + ' - Received a message from route ' + deliveryInfo.routingKey);
// Emit the message to the client
socket.emit('notification', message);
}).addCallback(function (res) {
// Hold on to the consumer tag so we can unsubscribe later
_consumerTag = res.consumerTag;
// Consumer tag log
console.log('#' + socket.id + ' - Consumer ' + _consumerTag + ' created');
// Update our stored tag when it changes
_rabbitMqConnection.on('tag.change', function (event) {
if (_consumerTag === event.oldConsumerTag) {
_consumerTag = event.consumerTag;
// Unsubscribe from the old tag just in case it lingers
// Listen for disconnection
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log('#' + socket.id + ' - Socket Disconnected');
然后是我的 client.js
var io = require('socket.io-client');
$(document).ready(function () {
var socket = io('https://myserver.com:8080/', {
secure: true, // for ssl connections
query: { queueName: 'notification-UID-' + UID, token: JWTToken}, // params sent to server, JWTToken for authentication
'sync disconnect on unload': true // Every time the client unload, socket disconnects
socket.on('notification', function (data) {
// Do what you want with your data