我已经创建了一个可以正确执行的批处理/ cmd文件,但是我想添加一个“验证”层来检查输入是否正确。
echo Please Input like so XY########
set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果通过set /P
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo Please Input like so XY########
set /P "=Type input: " < NUL
set "INPUT="
rem Get two *UPPERCASE* letters
for /L %%i in (1,1,2) do (
choice /C %letter% /N > NUL
for %%l in ("!errorlevel!") do set "INPUT=!INPUT!!letter:~%%~l,1!"
set /P "=!INPUT:~-1!" < NUL
rem Get eight digits
set "digit= 0123456789"
for /L %%i in (1,1,8) do (
choice /C %digit% /N > NUL
for %%l in ("!errorlevel!") do set "INPUT=!INPUT!!digit:~%%~l,1!"
set /P "=!INPUT:~-1!" < NUL
echo INPUT = "%INPUT%"
技巧读取密钥。 Squashman上面发布的链接是有关如何执行此操作的充分示例...
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Aacini的答案还要求有效的用户输入,而不是验证追溯的有效性,他的答案是更少的代码和更多的“可读性” IMO。我将使用他的答案,但我想我会分享这种方法。
@echo off
::::START -- Section Blocks User from Inputting Invalid Data::::
set "thisFile=%~F0"
call :ReadFormattedLine INPUT="__########" /M "Enter Input in Form XY########: "
:ReadFormattedLine var="mask" [/M "message"] [/P] [/F /W /A]
if "%~2" equ "" echo ERROR: Missing parameters & exit /B 1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "var=%~1"
set "mask=%~2"
shift & shift
set "message="
if /I "%1" equ "/M" set "message=%~2" & shift & shift
set "password="
if /I "%1" equ "/P" set "password=1" & shift
set "switch=%~1"
set quote="
set "digit= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "
set "letter= A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z "
set "alphaNum=%digit%%letter%"
set "fmt=#_+?@"
set "show=$/\()[]:;,.- %digit: =%%letter: =%"
for /F %%a in ('copy /Z "%thisFile%" NUL') do set "CR=%%a"
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $H ^| cmd') do set "BS=%%a" & set "SP=.%%a "
< NUL (
set /P "=%message%"
for /F "eol=| delims=" %%a in ('cmd /U /C echo !mask!^| find /V ""') do (
if "!fmt:%%a=!" neq "%fmt%" (
set /P "=Û"
) else if "%%a" neq " " (
set /P "=%%a"
) else (
set /P "=!SP!"
set /P "=!SP!!CR!%message%"
set "input="
set /A i=0, key=0
goto checkFormat
set "key="
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('xcopy /W "%thisFile%" "%thisFile%" 2^>NUL') do if not defined key set "key=%%a"
if "!key:~-1!" neq "!CR!" goto endif
if /I "%switch%" equ "/A" goto nextKey
if /I "%switch%" neq "/F" goto check/W
set "format=!mask:~%i%,1!"
if "%format%" equ "" goto endRead
if "!fmt:%format%=!" equ "%fmt%" goto checkFormat
set /P "=Û" < NUL
set "input=%input% "
set /A i+=1
goto nextField
if /I "%switch%" neq "/W" goto checkEmpty
if %i% equ 0 goto endRead
if "%format%" equ "" goto endRead
goto nextKey
if %i% gtr 0 goto endRead
goto nextKey
set "key=!key:~-1!"
if "!key!" equ "!BS!" (
if %i% gtr 0 (
if "%format%" equ "" (
set /P "=!SP!!BS!!BS!Û!BS!" < NUL
) else (
set /P "=Û!BS!!BS!Û!BS!" < NUL
set "input=%input:~0,-1%"
set /A i-=1
if !i! equ 0 set key=0
goto checkFormat
if "%format%" equ "" goto nextKey
if "!key!" equ "=" goto nextKey
if "!key!" equ "!quote!" goto nextKey
if "%format%" equ "#" ( rem Any digit
if "!digit: %key% =!" equ "%digit%" goto nextKey
) else if "%format%" equ "_" ( rem Any letter
if "!letter: %key% =!" equ "%letter%" goto nextKey
) else if "%format%" equ "+" ( rem Any letter, convert it to uppercase
if "!letter: %key% =!" equ "%letter%" goto nextKey
for %%a in (%letter%) do if /I "!key!" equ "%%a" set "key=%%a"
) else (
rem Rest of formats are alphanumeric: ? @
if "!alphaNum: %key% =!" equ "%alphaNum%" goto nextKey
if "%format%" equ "@" ( rem Convert letters to uppercase
for %%a in (%letter%) do if /I "!key!" equ "%%a" set "key=%%a"
) else if "%format%" neq "?" echo ERROR: Invalid format in mask: "%format%" & exit /B 2
if defined password (
set /P "=*" < NUL
) else (
set /P "=%key%" < NUL
set "input=%input%%key%"
set /A i+=1
set "format=!mask:~%i%,1!"
if "%format%" equ "" (
if /I "%switch%" equ "/A" goto endRead
if /I "%switch%" equ "/M" goto endRead
goto nextKey
if "!show:%format%=!" neq "%show%" (
if "!key!" equ "!BS!" (
if "%format%" neq " " (
set /P "=%format%!BS!!BS!Û!BS!" < NUL
) else (
set /P "=!SP!!BS!!BS!Û!BS!" < NUL
set "input=%input:~0,-1%"
set /A i-=1
if !i! equ 0 set key=0
goto checkFormat
) else (
if "%format%" neq " " (
set /P "=%format%" < NUL
) else (
set /P "=!SP!" < NUL
set "input=%input%%format%"
goto nextFormat
if "%input:~-1%!key!" equ " !BS!" (
set /P "=Û!BS!!BS!" < NUL
set "input=%input:~0,-1%"
set /A i-=1
goto checkFormat
goto nextKey
endlocal & set "%var%=%input%"
echo %INPUT%
exit /B