我相信我正确地遵循了Yesod Book中的指示。这是我当前的code for Foundation.hs。
• Could not deduce: m ~ HandlerFor site0
from the context: (MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ master)
bound by the type signature for:
getAuthId :: forall (m :: * -> *) master.
(MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ master) =>
Creds master -> m (Maybe (AuthId master))
at src/Foundation.hs:206:18-102
‘m’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
getAuthId :: forall (m :: * -> *) master.
(MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ master) =>
Creds master -> m (Maybe (AuthId master))
at src/Foundation.hs:206:18-102
Expected type: m (Maybe (AuthId master))
Actual type: HandlerFor site0 (Maybe (Key User))
• In the expression:
$ do x <- insertBy $ User (credsIdent creds) Nothing Nothing False
$ Just
$ case x of
Left (Entity userid _) -> userid
Right userid -> userid
In an equation for ‘getAuthId’:
getAuthId creds
= runDB
$ do x <- insertBy $ User (credsIdent creds) Nothing Nothing False
$ Just
$ case x of
Left (Entity userid _) -> userid
Right userid -> userid
In the instance declaration for ‘YesodAuth App’
• Relevant bindings include
getAuthId :: Creds master -> m (Maybe (AuthId master))
(bound at src/Foundation.hs:207:5)
| getAuthId creds = runDB $ do
| ^^^^^^^^^^...
Expected type: m (Maybe (AuthId master))
Actual type: HandlerFor site0 (Maybe (Key User))
注意:我假设模板Haskell基于Persistent chapter of the Yesod Book(在该页面上搜索type UserId = Key User
,并且我的模型文件包含以下内容: :
-- By default this file is used by `persistFileWith` in Model.hs (which is imported by Foundation.hs)
-- Syntax for this file here: https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/blob/master/docs/Persistent-entity-syntax.md
email Text
password Text Maybe
verkey Text Maybe
verified Bool
UniqueUser email
deriving Typeable
如果我进行所有这些替换,则得出的结论是预期类型为m (Maybe (AuthId master))
,它等效于m (Maybe UserId)
,等效于m (Maybe (Key User))
。对于实际类型,HandlerFor site0 (Maybe (Key User))
等效于m (Maybe (Key User))