
时间:2018-08-20 23:53:06

标签: r dataframe dplyr

我需要创建一个列,其中每个观察值等于前一个观察值乘以另一列中的观察值再加上1。我试图在下面的示例中创建indx列。 indx [1]的硬编码为1.000,但是indx [2] = indx [1] *(1 + chng [2])。




test <- data.frame(i = c(0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4)
               ,chng = c(.000,.031,.005,-.005,.017,.000,.012,.003,-.013,-.005,)
               ,indx = c(1,1.031,1.037,1.031,1.048,1,1.012,1.015,1.002,.997))

     i   chng  indx
 1:  0  0.000 1.000
 2:  1  0.031 1.031
 3:  2  0.005 1.037
 4:  3 -0.005 1.031
 5:  4  0.017 1.048
 6:  0  0.000 1.000
 7:  1  0.012 1.012
 8:  2  0.003 1.015
 9:  3 -0.013 1.002
10:  4 -0.005 0.997

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

从数学上讲,这与cumprod(test$chng + 1)相同:

test %>% mutate(indx = cumprod(chng + 1))


  i   chng     indx
1 0  0.000 1.000000
2 1  0.031 1.031000
3 2  0.005 1.036155
4 3 -0.005 1.030974
5 4  0.017 1.048501


test %>%
  group_by(g = cumsum(i == 0)) %>%
  mutate(indx = cumprod(chng + 1)) %>%
  ungroup %>%

答案 1 :(得分:0)


test <- data.frame(i = c(0:4)
                   ,chng = c(.000,.031,.005,-.005,.017))

test$indx = Reduce(function(x,y) x*(1+y), test$chng, accumulate = T, init = 1)[-1]


#   i   chng     indx
# 1 0  0.000 1.000000
# 2 1  0.031 1.031000
# 3 2  0.005 1.036155
# 4 3 -0.005 1.030974
# 5 4  0.017 1.048501


test <- data.frame(i = c(0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4)
                   ,chng = c(.000,.031,.005,-.005,.017,.000,.012,.003,-.013,-.005))


test %>%
  group_by(group = cumsum(i == 0)) %>%   # create a group based on i column
  mutate(indx = Reduce(function(x,y) x*(1+y), chng, accumulate = T, init = 1)[-1]) %>%  # apply the Reduce function to each group
  ungroup() %>%                          # forget the grouping
  select(-group) %>%                     # remove group column
  data.frame()                           # only for visualisation purposes (see the decimals)

#    i   chng      indx
# 1  0  0.000 1.0000000
# 2  1  0.031 1.0310000
# 3  2  0.005 1.0361550
# 4  3 -0.005 1.0309742
# 5  4  0.017 1.0485008
# 6  0  0.000 1.0000000
# 7  1  0.012 1.0120000
# 8  2  0.003 1.0150360
# 9  3 -0.013 1.0018405
# 10 4 -0.005 0.9968313