我在Ubuntu计算机“ openssl passwd -crypt-salt pass book”上使用了以下命令来生成加盐密码。
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使用openssl passwd
应用程序提供的结果似乎与Linux / Unix crypt()
#include <crypt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
char *key = argv[1];
char *salt = argv[2];
char *enc = crypt(key, salt);
printf("key = \"%s\", salt = \"%s\", enc = \"%s\"\n",
key ? key:"NULL", salt ? salt:"NULL", enc ? enc:"NULL");
$ ./main book pass
key = "book", salt = "pass", enc = "pahzZkfwawIXw"
$ openssl passwd -crypt -salt pass book
在its OSX man page中最清楚地解释了crypt()
Traditional crypt:
The first 8 bytes of the key are null-padded, and the low-order 7 bits of each character is
used to form the 56-bit DES key.
The salt is a 2-character array of the ASCII-encoded salt. Thus, only 12 bits of salt are
used. count is set to 25.
The salt introduces disorder in the DES algorithm in one of 16777216 or 4096 possible ways
(ie. with 24 or 12 bits: if bit i of the salt is set, then bits i and i+24 are swapped in
the DES E-box output).
The DES key is used to encrypt a 64-bit constant, using count iterations of DES. The value
returned is a null-terminated string, 20 or 13 bytes (plus null) in length, consisting of
the salt, followed by the encoded 64-bit encryption.