
时间:2018-08-20 11:32:43

标签: python types


import numpy
import mrc
a= Mrc.bindFile('/home/deep-image-prior/data /Falcon_2015_05_14-20_42_18.mrc')
# a is a NumPy array with the image data memory mapped from
# somefile.mrc.  You can use it directly with any function
# that will take a NumPy array.
hist = numpy.histogram(a, bins=200)
# a.Mrc is an instances of the Mrc class.  
# you can do with that class is print out key information from the header.
# Use a.Mrc.hdr to access the MRC header fields.
wavelength0_nm = a.Mrc.hdr.wave[0]

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Mrc.py in makeHdrArray(buffer)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-36b7bf8a3846> in <module>()
  1 import numpy
  2 import mrc
----> 3 a = Mrc.bindFile('/home/smitha/deep-image-prior/data/Falcon_2015_05_14-20_42_18.mrc')
  4 # a is a NumPy array with the image data memory mapped from
  5 # somefile.mrc.  You can use it directly with any function

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Mrc.py in bindFile(fn, writable)
 12     if writable:
 13         mode = 'r+'
---> 14     a = Mrc(fn, mode)
 16     return a.data_withMrc()

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Mrc.py in __init__(self, path, mode, extHdrSize, extHdrNints, extHdrNfloats)
 52         #20060818 self._hdrArray = makeHdrArray(self.h)
 53         #20060818 self.hdr = implement_hdr( self._hdrArray )
---> 54         self.hdr = makeHdrArray(self.h)
 56         nzBeforeByteOrder = self.hdr.Num[0]

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Mrc.py in makeHdrArray(buffer)
801             h.dtype = mrcHdr_dtype
802         except:
--> 803             if len(h) != N.dtype(mrcHdr_dtype).itemsize: #1024
804                 raise ValueError("header buffer should be of size %d, but %d bytes given" %(
805                     N.dtype(mrcHdr_dtype).itemsize, len(h)))

    TypeError: data type not understood

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