
时间:2018-08-15 23:58:57

标签: r


让我们假设我的时间序列由ts = (1, 2, 3.5, 1.2, 4.6, 5.2, 2.1, 1.9)给出,我的嵌入维数(D)为4;从ts中获取前4个元素,我得到(1,2,3.5,1.2),其排列方式由(0,2,3,1)给出,因为向量中的第一个元素是向量中的最小值,第四个是向量中的第二个小元素等等。我需要从ts获取所有这些排列,以便计算排列熵。

prob_perm_desl <- function(serie, D) {
  #TS length
  n <- length(serie)
  #Matrix where D-dimensional vectors will be saved
  #Z <- matrix(nrow=num_fil, ncol=D)
  A <- list()
  for(i in 1:D) {
    k <- (n-i+1)%/%D #Number of windows of dimension D along the ts
    len <- k*D+i-1   #Position of the last element in the serie that will be in the matrix
    A[[i]] <- matrix(serie[i:len], ncol=D, byrow = TRUE)

  A_bis <- do.call("rbind",A) #Matriz of all D-dimensional vectors in ts
  A_pasted <- t(apply(A_bis,1, order)) #order used to get permutations patterns
  Z_concat <- apply(A_pasted, 1,paste0, collapse="_") #All possible permutation patterns in ts concatenated in order to compare
  permutaciones <- rbind(seq(1:D), allPerms(D)) #all posible permutation patterns
  permutaciones_concat <- apply(permutaciones, 1, paste0, collapse="_")  #concatenated patterns in order to compare 
  #counts how many times all posible permutation patterns appear in ts
  conteos <- sapply(list(Z_concat), function(x) {
      sapply(permutaciones_concat,function(y) sum(x %in% y) )
  prob <- conteos/sum(conteos)


A_pasted<-t(apply(A_bis,1, order)) #order used to get permutations patterns
Z_concat<-apply(A_pasted, 1,paste0, collapse="_") #All possible permutation patterns in ts concatenated in order to compare


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