在OS X上使用ruby将docx文件转换为pdf

时间:2018-08-13 13:23:04

标签: ruby macos pdf pandoc

我想使用ruby创建一个脚本,该脚本将打印文件夹中所有的docx文件。 我想使用特殊的打印机设置来打印文件。需要从纸盘2打印第一页,然后从纸盘3打印第二页。


  1. 将docx文件转换为pdf文件
  2. 从pdf文件中提取第一页,并使用特殊的打印机设置进行打印
  3. 从pdf文件中排除第一页,并使用常规打印机设置进行打印

我使用pandoc gem将docx文件转换为pdf文件。

system("pandoc", "-o", "pandoc_tempAM.pdf", f) or raise "failed"

不幸的是,格式不正确。 有没有更好的方法可以将docx文件转换为pdf文件而不处理格式问题?


require 'rubygems'
require 'combine_pdf'
require 'fileutils'

#Folgende gems müssen via Terminal (macOS) installiert werden bevor dieser Script benutzt werden kann.
#gem pristine --all (not required as I know so far)
#gem install combine_pdf
#gem install fileutils

#Because the first option isn't working, I decieded to create a thrid-party docx processor to convert the files to PDF
#brew install pandoc && brew cask install basictex
# export PATH=/Library/TeX/texbin:"$PATH"

#Search for DOCX Files in current Folder and loop though all Files
Dir.glob("/Users/test/spPrinting/TestFolder/**/*.docx").each do |f|

    #Convert DOCX File to PDF
    system("pandoc", "-o", "pandoc_tempAM.pdf", f) or raise "failed"

    #Load the converted File in to Memory
    pdf = CombinePDF.load("pandoc_tempAM.pdf")
    #Opening a New PDF File
    firstPdf = CombinePDF.new
    #Extract the first Page from the PDF File in Memory. Index starts with ZERO!!
    pdf_first_page = pdf.pages[0]
    #Save the extracted Page into the newly opened PDF File
    firstPdf << pdf_first_page
    #Save the PDF File in to the FileSystem with the given Name
    firstPdf.save "first_page_temp.pdf"
    #Send the File to the Printer
    #Use this cmd to find the printer options: lpoptions -p Test -l
    system("lpr", "-P", "Test", "-o", "InputSlot=Tray3", "first_page_temp.pdf") or raise "lpr failed"
    #Ruby'll sleep for 4 seconds.
    sleep 4
    #Opening a New PDF File
    secPdf = CombinePDF.new
    i = 0
    #Extract all pages from the PDF file in memory except the first page. Index starts with ZERO!!
    CombinePDF.load("pandoc_tempAM.pdf").pages.each do |page|
    i += 1
    secPdf << page if i > 1
    #Save the PDF File in to the FileSystem with the given Name
    secPdf.save "exceptFirstPage_temp.pdf"
    #Send the File to the Printer
    system("lpr", "-P", "Test", "-o", "InputSlot=Tray3", "exceptFirstPage_temp.pdf") or raise "lpr failed"
    #Ruby'll sleep for 4 seconds.
    sleep 4


  exit 1

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