Private Sub newMonth(MonthValue As Date)
'month value is the value that is passed into it from the first data row of the old sheet
Dim isWeekend As Boolean
Dim i As Long
'is it a year shift? (december = 12, january = 1)
If Month(MonthValue) + 1 < Month(MonthValue) Then
For i = 0 To 4
'is the date at least 5 days in the week from sunday?
If Weekday(Format(DateSerial(Year(MonthValue) + 1, Month(MonthValue) + 1, i + 1), "mm/dd/yyyy"), vbSunday) > 5 Then
'put in the cells of the new sheet in the first column a date starting from the first day of the next month
Cells(FIRST_DATA_ROW + (i * 2), 1) = Format(DateSerial(Year(MonthValue) + 1, Month(MonthValue) + 1, i + 1), "mm/dd/yyyy")
'if its not, clear contents
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(FIRST_DATA_ROW + (i * 2), 1), Cells(FIRST_DATA_ROW + (i * 2), 32)).ClearContents
End If
Next i
'it is not a year shift, just an increment of a month
for i = 0 to 4
If Weekday(Format(DateSerial(Year(MonthValue), Month(MonthValue) + 1, i + 1), "mm/dd/yyyy"), vbSunday) > 1 And _
Weekday(Format(DateSerial(Year(MonthValue), Month(MonthValue) + 1, i + 1), "mm/dd/yyyy"), vbSunday) < 7 Then
'put in the cells of the new sheet in the first column a date starting from the first day of the next month
Cells(7 + (i * 2), 1) = Format(DateSerial(Year(MonthValue), Month(MonthValue) + 1, i + 1), "mm/dd/yyyy")
i = i + 1
'if its not, clear contents
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(FIRST_DATA_ROW + (i * 2), 1), Cells(FIRST_DATA_ROW + (i * 2), 32)).ClearContents
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
问候。上面的代码有两个相关的工作表,我将它们分别称为工作表A和工作表B。它是整个时间/出勤跟踪系统的一部分,并为每个时间段创建一个新的工作表。例如,工作表A的日期为8/6-8/10,工作表B的日期为8 / 13-8 / 17。周末不包括在床单中;只有工作日。
以下函数不仅在更改星期数而且还更改几个月时被调用。因此,例如,如果工作表A具有7 / 30-7 / 31(上周的星期一和星期二),则工作表B应该具有8 / 1-8 / 3(星期三至上星期五)。
麻烦的是,无论如何,工作表B的第一个日期都应该出现在单元格中(FIRST_DATA_ROW,1),顺便说一句,FIRST_DATA_ROW =7。例如,如果工作表A在星期二结束,就会遇到问题,因为因为编写代码将使第一个日期出现在cell(11,1)中。换句话说,我需要将单元格(7,1)设置为新一周的星期一,将单元格(9,1)设置为新一周的星期二,依此类推;除非前一周在星期二结束,在这种情况下,我需要将cell(7,1)设置为新周的星期三,将cell(9,1)设置为新周的星期四,并使用cell(11,1 )作为新一周的星期五,并且由于下一个值为周末,因此代码在此之后终止。