
时间:2018-08-10 09:23:39

标签: ios testflight fastlane


您还可以从以下日志中看到“ 登录成功”。但是,当fastlane尝试上传文件时,会收到来自SOCKS服务器的格式错误的回复错误。


[13:51:26]: [32m----------------------------------
[13:51:26]: [32m--- Step: upload_to_testflight ---
[13:51:26]: [32m----------------------------------
[13:51:26]: Login to App Store Connect (****)
[13:51:29]: Login successful
[13:51:30]: [32mReady to upload new build to TestFlight (App: 1****2)...
[13:51:30]: Going to upload updated app to App Store Connect
[13:51:30]: [32mThis might take a few minutes. Please don't interrupt the script.
[13:53:46]: [31m[Transporter Error Output]: Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.
[13:53:46]: [31m[Transporter Error Output]: An exception has occurred: Malformed reply from SOCKS server
[13:55:48]: [31m[Transporter Error Output]: Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.
[13:55:48]: [31m[Transporter Error Output]: An exception has occurred: Malformed reply from SOCKS server

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