我正在阅读Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right并在玩Dissection类,发现覆盖条件错误。代码:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
import Data.Bifunctor
import GHC.Generics
data Add2 p q x y = L2 (p x y) | R2 (q x y)
instance (Bifunctor p, Bifunctor q) => Bifunctor (Add2 p q) where
bimap f g (L2 p) = L2 (bimap f g p)
bimap f g (R2 q) = R2 (bimap f g q)
class (Functor p, Bifunctor p') => Diss p p' | p -> p' where
instance (Diss p p', Diss q q') => Diss (p :+: q) (Add2 p' q')
我正在努力理解给出的原因:我觉得类型cj.hs:13:10: error:
• Illegal instance declaration for ‘Diss (p :+: q) (Add2 p' q')’
The coverage condition fails in class ‘Diss’
for functional dependency: ‘p -> p'’
Reason: lhs type ‘p :+: q’ does not determine rhs type ‘Add2 p' q'’
Un-determined variables: p', q'
Using UndecidableInstances might help
• In the instance declaration for ‘Diss (p :+: q) (Add2 p' q')’
13 | instance (Diss p p', Diss q q') => Diss (p :+: q) (Add2 p' q')
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
应该确定rhs类型,因为约束{{1}隐含了p :+: q
和p -> p'
}}和q -> q'
答案 0 :(得分:2)
GHC documentation对此有类似的说法:
class Mul a b c | a b -> c where (.*.) :: a -> b -> c instance Mul Int Int Int where (.*.) = (*) instance Mul Int Float Float where x .*. y = fromIntegral x * y instance Mul a b c => Mul a [b] [c] where x .*. v = map (x.*.) v
(答案:与您的示例一样,您可能在这里认为在Mul a b c => Mul a [b] [c]
实例中,由于a b
,因此{{1 }}明确确定a [b]
f = \ b x y -> if b then x .*. [y] else y