我需要一个可以将HSV张量(形状:[batch_size, image_width, image_height, num_channels]
,通道表示h, s, v
)转换为RGB张量([batch_size, image_width, image_height,num_channels]
new_image_hsv = tf.random_normal(shape=[32,32,3])
new_image_rgb = tf.image.hsv_to_rgb(new_image_hsv, name='hsv2rgb')
hsv2rgb = tf.get_default_graph().get_operation_by_name('hsv2rgb')
print('hsv2rgb: ', get_gradient_function(hsv2rgb)) #hsv2rgb: None
答案 0 :(得分:0)
当前,HSV到RGB转换功能没有注册的渐变,您可以考虑使用opening an issue。但是,看看implementation of the kernel,完全可以使用具有定义梯度的基本TensorFlow操作来复制计算:
import tensorflow as tf
def my_hsv_to_rgb(tensor):
h = tensor[..., 0]
s = tensor[..., 1]
v = tensor[..., 2]
c = s * v;
m = v - c;
dh = h * 6
h_category = tf.cast(dh, tf.int32)
fmodu = tf.mod(dh, 2)
x = c * (1 - tf.abs(fmodu - 1))
component_shape = tf.shape(tensor)[:-1]
dtype = tensor.dtype
rr = tf.zeros(component_shape, dtype=dtype)
gg = tf.zeros(component_shape, dtype=dtype)
bb = tf.zeros(component_shape, dtype=dtype)
h0 = tf.equal(h_category, 0)
rr = tf.where(h0, c, rr)
gg = tf.where(h0, x, gg)
h1 = tf.equal(h_category, 1)
rr = tf.where(h1, x, rr)
gg = tf.where(h1, c, gg)
h2 = tf.equal(h_category, 2)
gg = tf.where(h2, c, gg)
bb = tf.where(h2, x, bb)
h3 = tf.equal(h_category, 3)
gg = tf.where(h3, x, gg)
bb = tf.where(h3, c, bb)
h4 = tf.equal(h_category, 4)
rr = tf.where(h4, x, rr)
bb = tf.where(h4, c, bb)
h5 = tf.equal(h_category, 5)
rr = tf.where(h5, c, rr)
bb = tf.where(h5, x, bb)
r = rr + m
g = gg + m
b = bb + m
return tf.stack([r, g, b], axis=-1)
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
img = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, None, 3))
# Compute builtin conversion to check that our conversion is correct
tf_conversion = tf.image.hsv_to_rgb(img)
my_conversion = my_hsv_to_rgb(img)
# Difference between the builtin conversion and ours
error = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(tf_conversion, my_conversion)
# Take gradients of the conversion
my_conversion_grad = tf.gradients(my_conversion, img)[0]
# Test it
with tf.Session() as sess:
random_img = np.random.rand(10, 10, 3)
error_val, grad_val = sess.run([error, my_conversion_grad],
feed_dict={img: random_img})
[[[-7.0903623e-01 -5.3507453e-01 2.6491349e+00]
[-3.4420034e-03 -1.2991568e-01 2.9949572e+00]
[ 6.7739707e-01 -2.7006465e-01 1.3685231e+00]
[-1.1187987e+00 -3.0346024e-01 1.7070839e+00]
[-1.4286079e-01 -2.4429685e-01 2.8794882e+00]
[-8.3736974e-01 -3.2182935e-01 1.4807379e+00]
[ 7.0991272e-01 -4.7601932e-01 2.6977921e+00]
[-1.6489303e+00 -5.5128366e-01 1.6589090e+00]
[-1.2725148e-02 -5.9869420e-03 2.6076081e+00]
[-7.2826855e-02 -2.3104541e-02 1.7949229e+00]]
但是,请注意,HSV到RGB的转换不是连续函数(see here),这可能是其没有定义渐变的原因。这意味着,由于转换定义中的这种“跳跃”,梯度可能并不总是指示正确的优化方向。