<script type="text/javascript">
var move = 0;
//Step 1 : Create a new array for each pair of eyes i add
var eyes1 = new Array("100px", "0px 0px");
var eyes2 = new Array("100px", "-100px 0px");
var eyes3 = new Array("100px", "-200px 0px");
var eyes4 = new Array("100px", "-300px 0px");
var eyes5 = new Array("100px", "-400px 0px");
var eyes6 = new Array("100px", "-500px 0px");
var eyes7 = new Array("100px", "-600px 0px");
var eyes8 = new Array("100px", "-700px 0px");
var eyes9 = new Array("100px", "-800px 0px");
var eyes10 = new Array("100px", "-900px 0px");
var eyes11 = new Array("100px", "-1000px 0px");
var eyes12 = new Array("100px", "-1100px 0px");
//Step 2: add the pair of eyes from above to this array
var allEyes = new Array(eyes1, eyes2, eyes3, eyes4, eyes5, eyes6, eyes7, eyes8, eyes9, eyes10, eyes11, eyes12 );
答案 0 :(得分:0)
i = 0;
function loopImages(){
document.getElementById('your_div_id').innerHTML = images[i%images.length];
setTimeout(loopImages, 5000);
答案 1 :(得分:0)
var eyesState = 0;
var eyes = [["100px", "0px 0px"]
["100px", "-100px 0px"],
["100px", "-200px 0px"],
["100px", "-300px 0px"],
["100px", "-400px 0px"],
["100px", "-500px 0px"],
["100px", "-600px 0px"],
["100px", "-700px 0px"],
["100px", "-800px 0px"],
["100px", "-900px 0px"],
["100px", "-1000px 0px"],
["100px", "-1100px 0px"]];
var eyesDiv = document.getElementById('eyes');
function eyesButtonOnClick(){
eyesState = (eyesState+1)%eyes.length;
//i am not sure what the first 100px are for
//it might be the width of those eye then use something like
// eyesDiv.style.width = eyes[eyeState][0];
eyesDiv.style.backgroundPosition = eyes[eyesState][1];
// bind this function to your button eg.
// via button.onclick or per some js framework
答案 2 :(得分:0)
如果这是你需要的(并且更简单),你收到的Vprimachenko答案也是一个很好的答案。 这个问题需要更多细节。根据你在数组中的值,我怀疑你在一个长图像上有一个div,你希望在图像上移动div或使div保持静态并将图像作为div背景移动以仅显示一部分它在当时?后者对我更有意义,因为div保持在同一位置。
<div id="eyesState"></div>
<a href="javascript:getNextPart();">Get the next part of the image</a>
function getNextPart() {
// This gets the content of your html div eyesState in the javascript function
// for processing.
var magicdiv = document.getElementById("eyesState");
// This empties the div just in case it may not be empty already (if you are
// already displaying some part of image... you want to remove this before placing
// the next part of image otherwise it will display it on top of the prev image.
magicdiv.innerHTML= "";
// Since all you do is move the background image of the div, you need to set this
// into the Style attribute of this div. Might need to set the Weight style too
// and others. Check out the img value below
var backgroundimg = "background-position:" + allEyes[img][1];
magicdiv.setAttribute("style", backgroundimg);
// img basically tells you which next bit of image from your AllEyes array will be
// displayed.
if (img == AllEyes.length)
img = 0;
img++ ;