
时间:2018-08-07 11:15:31

标签: wordpress plugins elementor



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class Elementor_Test_Widget extends \Elementor\Widget_Base {

    public function get_name() {}

    public function get_title() {}

    public function get_icon() {}

    public function get_categories() {}

    protected function _register_controls() {}

    protected function render() {}

    protected function _content_template() {}


Widget Name – The get_name() method is a simple one, you just need to return a widget name that will be used in the code.
Widget Title – The get_title() method, which again, is a very simple one, you need to return the widget title that will be displayed as the widget label.
Widget Icon – The get_icon() method, is an optional but recommended method, it lets you set the widget icon. you can use any of the eicon or font-awesome icons, simply return the class name as a string.
Widget Categories – The get_categories method, lets you set the category of the widget, return the category name as a string.
Widget Controls – The _register_controls method lets you define which controls (setting fields) your widget will have.
Render Frontend Output – The render() method, which is where you actually render the code and generate the final HTML on the frontend using PHP.
Render Editor Output – The _content_template() method, is where you render the editor output to generate the live preview using a Backbone JavaScript template.




use Elementor\Widget_Base;

class Elementor_oEmbed_Widget extends Widget_Base {

public function get_name() {
    return 'oembed';

public function get_title() {
    return __( 'oEmbed', 'plugin-name' );

public function get_icon() {
    return 'fa fa-code';

public function get_categories() {
    return [ 'general' ];

protected function _register_controls() {

            'label' => __( 'Content', 'plugin-name' ),
            'tab' => \Elementor\Controls_Manager::TAB_CONTENT,

            'label' => __( 'URL to embed', 'plugin-name' ),
            'type' => \Elementor\Controls_Manager::TEXT,
            'input_type' => 'url',
            'placeholder' => __( 'https://your-link.com', 'plugin-name' ),



protected function render() {

    $settings = $this->get_settings_for_display();

    $html = wp_oembed_get( $settings['url'] );

    echo '<div class="oembed-elementor-widget">';

    echo ( $html ) ? $html : $settings['url'];

    echo '</div>';

