
时间:2018-08-04 18:16:20

标签: javascript debugging

作为我的课堂作业之一,我的任务是在repl.it网站上修复损坏的代码。 rock, paper scissors。尽管这个话题已经被提出很多次了,但是我找不到具有与此类似代码的线程。它们都非常不同。


  1. 提示符提示即使用户赢了,计算机也总是赢。我添加了用户输入逻辑,以便为赢得用户的结果返回结果。

  2. 游戏会忽略“ Rock”作为用户输入。我添加了toLowerCase()方法来删除大写字符。

  3. 计算机始终忽略选择“ rock”。我将Math.ceil更改为Math.floor,以便函数randomFrom还包括computerChoices数组的0索引。

  4. 正确读取和存储用户输入(除了创建输入变量外,我不知道该如何进行这项工作。我已对此进行了控制台记录,但到目前为止还没有运气。


let computerChoices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"];

function randomFrom(array) {
return array[(Math.ceil(Math.random()*3)) ];

function checkInput(input, computerChoices) {
  if (input == "quit") {
    return true;
  let computerChoice = randomFrom(computerChoices);
if(computerChoice === "rock" && input === "scissors"){
alert("Computer wins!");
return true;
} else if (computerChoice === "scissors" && input === "paper"){
alert("Computer wins!");
return true;
} else if (computerChoice === "paper" && input === "rock"){
alert("Computer wins!");
return true;

alert("Computer wins!");``
return false

function start(gameOver, computerChoices) {
  while (!gameOver){
    let playerInput = '';
    prompt("Hi! Enter rock/paper/scissors to play, or quit to stop playing.");
gameOver = checkInput(playerInput, computerChoices);
playerInput = "paper";


let gameOver = false;

start(gameOver, computerChoices)  


//Is gameOver defined correctly? I'm not sure. 
let gameOver = false;
let computerChoices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"];
let computerChoice = randomFrom(computerChoices);

// //change Math.ceil to Math.floor in order to include the [0] index
function randomFrom(array) {
return array[(Math.floor(Math.random()*3))];

//Changed computerChoices to computerChoice
function checkInput(input, computerChoice) {
  if (input === "quit") {
    return true;

//Changed computerChoices to computerChoice
function startGame(gameOver, computerChoice) {
  while (!gameOver){
    let playerInput = '';
    //Added input in order to change user input to lowercase characters
    let input = playerInput.toLowerCase();
    prompt("Hi! Enter rock/paper/scissors to play, or quit to stop playing.");
if(computerChoice === "rock" && input === "scissors"){
alert("Computer wins!");
return true;
} else if (computerChoice === "scissors" && input === "paper"){
alert("Computer wins!");
return true;
} else if (computerChoice === "paper" && input === "rock"){
alert("Computer wins!");
return true;
//Added user outcomes since program results in the computer always winning
} else if(computerChoice === "rock" && input === "paper"){
alert("Player wins!");
return true;
} else if (computerChoice === "scissors" && input === "rock"){
alert("Player wins!");
return true;
} else if (computerChoice === "paper" && input === "scissors"){
alert("Computer wins!");
return true;
} else if (computerChoice === input) {
alert("we have a draw");
} else {

//I'm calling the startGame() function in order to get it to run
return startGame();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  • 某些函数是在另一个函数中定义的,因此您不能调用它们
  • 我删除了所有那些不必要的参数并返回了语句
  • 我在input函数外部定义了startGame()以使其可在checkInput()内部使用-将input作为参数传递也很好
  • 我还删除了startGame()内的无效和不必要的while循环
  • startGame()checkInput()内部,因此它从未被调用,因此游戏从未开始

//Is gameOver defined correctly? I'm not sure. 
let gameOver = false;
let input;
let computerChoices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"];
let computerChoice = randomFrom(computerChoices);

// //change Math.ceil to Math.floor in order to include the [0] index
function randomFrom(array) {
  return array[(Math.floor(Math.random() * 3))];

//Changed computerChoices to computerChoice
function startGame() {
  //Added input in order to change user input to lowercase characters
  input = prompt("Hi! Enter rock/paper/scissors to play, or quit to stop playing.").toLowerCase();

//Changed computerChoices to computerChoice
function checkInput() {
  if (input === "quit") {

  if (computerChoice === "rock" && input === "scissors") {
    alert("Computer wins!");
  } else if (computerChoice === "scissors" && input === "paper") {
    alert("Computer wins!");
  } else if (computerChoice === "paper" && input === "rock") {
    alert("Computer wins!");
    //Added user outcomes since program results in the computer always winning
  } else if (computerChoice === "rock" && input === "paper") {
    alert("Player wins!");
  } else if (computerChoice === "scissors" && input === "rock") {
    alert("Player wins!");
  } else if (computerChoice === "paper" && input === "scissors") {
    alert("Computer wins!");
  } else if (computerChoice === input) {
    alert("we have a draw");
  } else {

//I'm calling the startGame() function in order to get it to run

