
时间:2018-08-03 05:06:07

标签: python machine-learning scikit-learn linear-regression

我正在尝试通过机器学习在Python中实现斐波那契数列。我希望我的程序预测给定输入后的下5位数字。例如,如果我通过[0,1,1],它将预测并返回[2,3,5,8,13]。但是,我找不到解决方法。我的程序目前只能预测下一位数字。是的,我可以对其进行硬编码,使用新的输出来更新数组,但是我不想这样做。 我的代码:

#! /usr/bin/python3
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

features = [

labels = [2,8,34,144]

clf = LinearRegression()
clf.fit(features, labels)
test = [[144, 233, 377]]


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

#define your inputs
features = [ [0,1,1],
             [34,55,89] ]

labels = [2,8,34,144]

# create your linear regression extrapolator
clf = LinearRegression()
clf.fit(features, labels)

# create a simple function to find the next number in the fibonacci sequence
def find_next(feat_list):
    # feat_list is your input list of numbers
    result = clf.predict(feat_list)
    result = result.tolist()
    result = [int(x) for x in result]
    return result

# create one more function to iterate and add as many numbers to the sequence as you want
def find_next_numbers(feat_list, how_many):
    # feat_list is your input list of numbers
    # how_many is the number of numbers you want to append
    result = []
    for i in range(how_many):
        nextnum = find_next(feat_list)
        result = result + nextnum
        # remove the smallest number and add the number you just found
        # before you iterate again using this new list as input
        feat_list[0] = feat_list[0][1:] + nextnum
    return result

# test it
test = [[144, 233, 377]]    
print(find_next_numbers(test, 5))

答案 1 :(得分:2)


有关my answer here的一些说明。



# Three features per row
features = [[0,   1,  1],
            [2,   3,  5],
            [8,  13, 21],
            [34, 55, 89]]

# This changed.
# Now a single label consists of a list of output values to be predicted
# 5 outputs per row
labels = [[2,     3,   5,   8,  13], 
          [8,    13,  21,  34,  55], 
          [34,   55,  89, 144, 233], 
          [144, 233, 377, 610, 987]]

clf = LinearRegression()
clf.fit(features, labels)
test = [[144, 233, 377]]

# Output
# array([[ 610.,  987., 1597., 2584., 4181.]])
