
时间:2018-08-01 19:04:04

标签: lotus-notes lotusscript

我使用以下代码将.log(文本)文件的内容提取到Notes富文本字段中,但是如果数据量> 64 KB,它将失败:

Dim io As Integer
Dim text As String
Dim fileSize As Single

io = Freefile
fileSize = 0

Open f For Input As io
fileSize = Filelen( f )

If (fileSize > 65536) Then
    Msgbox "Sorry, but the file " + f + " is > 64KB and cannot be rendered in the default rich text field.",, "Can't continue"
    Close #io
    Exit Sub
End If

While Not(Eof(io))
    Line Input #io, text
    Call uid.FieldAppendText("RT1", text + Chr(13) + Chr(10))

Close #io


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您插入一个换行符以创建大于64KB的段落。 但是,当您处理Rich Text字段时,应该使用后端类。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



Option Public
Option Declare
%Include "lserr.lss"

    Function fstreamOpenFile(sPath As String, bTruncate As Boolean, bConfirmExists As Boolean) As NotesStream
    <blockquote><dl><dt>sPath</dt><dd>Filepath of the file to be opened/created.</dd>
    <dt>bTruncate</dt><dd>Boolean. True if file is for output and any existing file should be replaced rather than appended to.</dd>
    <dt>bConfirmExists</dt><dd>Boolean. If True, and the opened file is empty, then an ErrFileNotFound error will be thrown.</dd></dl></blockquote>
Public Function fstreamOpenFile(sPath As String, bTruncate As Boolean, bConfirmExists As Boolean) As NotesStream
    Dim bFlag As Boolean
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim stream As NotesStream

    If sPath = "" Then Error 13, "No path supplied."
    Set stream = session.Createstream()
    If Not stream.Open(sPath) Then Error ErrOpenFailed, {Could not open file at "} + sPath + {"}
    If bConfirmExists And stream.Bytes = 0 Then Error ErrFileNotFound, {File at "} + sPath + {" is missing or empty.} 
    If bTruncate Then Call stream.Truncate()
    Set fstreamOpenFile = stream
End Function

    Sub subImportStreamToRT(stream As NotesStream, rt As NotesRichTextItem)
    For each line of text in the stream, appends that text in its own paragraph.
    Assumes that the first line of text can simply be appended without first creating a new paragraph. (e.g. rt is a blank field or you've already added a new line before calling this function)
    <blockquote><dl><dt>stream As NotesStream</dt><dd>NotesStream containing text to be imported into a rich text file</dd>
    <dt>rt As NotesRichTextItem</dt><dd>NotesRichTextItem to import stream's text into.</dd></dl></blockquote>
Sub subImportStreamToRT(stream As NotesStream, rt As NotesRichTextItem)
    If Not stream.IsEOS Then
            rt.AppendText stream.ReadText(STMREAD_LINE, EOL_ANY)
            If stream.IsEOS Then
                Exit Sub
                rt.AddNewLine 1, True
            End If
    End If
End Sub


  1. 将NotesStream变量设置为fstreamOpenFile(sFilePath, False, True)
  2. 获取/创建NotesRichTextItem对象
  3. 将NotesStream和NotesRichTextItem对象传递给subImportStreamToRT
  4. 保存您的NotesDocument
  5. 尝试并调​​试代码,因为同样,subImportStreamToRT尚未经过测试。