我正在尝试编写一个VBA代码,该代码允许我通过发送带有 CTRL + A 和 CTRL + C 的现有IE标签来复制数据SendKey
因此,我找到了一些代码,该代码扫描了一个已经处于活动状态的Internet Explorer会话的打开的选项卡,但是我想使VBA切换到匹配的选项卡,然后从该网站复制文本。
Sub AAA()
marker = 0
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
IE_count = objShell.Windows.Count
For x = 0 To (IE_count - 1)
On Error Resume Next ' sometimes more web pages are counted than are open
my_url = objShell.Windows(x).Document.Location
my_title = objShell.Windows(x).Document.Title
If my_url Like "http://www.cnn.com" & "*" Then 'compare to find if the desired web page is already open
Set ie = objShell.Windows(x)
marker = 1
Exit For
End If
If marker = 0 Then
MsgBox ("A matching webpage was NOT found")
'Switch to the tab that matched and Copy the text from this website..
End If
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ShellApp As Object, ShellWindows As Object
Dim objIE As Object, objWin As Object
Dim ieCaption As String
Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set ShellWindows = ShellApp.Windows()
'~~> Loop through the windows and check if it is IE
For Each objWin In ShellWindows
If (Not objWin Is Nothing) Then
ieCaption = objWin.Name
If ieCaption = "Internet Explorer" Then
Set objIE = objWin
Exit For
End If
End If
Set ShellApp = Nothing
'~~> If IE is found then wirk with that object
If Not objIE Is Nothing Then
With objIE
Debug.Print .Document.Body.Innerhtml
End With
End If
End Sub