所有这些均以合适的cantera反应器和储层进行建模。 Wall和MassFlowController分别用于热量添加和燃料电池供应。
import cantera as ct
""" Variables """
Tint = 20.24 #K
Tamb = 293.0 #K
Rho = 44.623 #kg/m3
TankVolume = 7.04 #m3
TankArea = 20.0 # m2
TankU = 0.36
Pvent = 7.0 #bar
Psupply = 2.0 #bar
msupply = 0.005 #kg/s
DormTime = 5.0 #hrs
TotTime = 10.0 #hrs
""" Tank Reactor """
LH2 = ct.Hydrogen()
LH2.TD = Tint, Rho
LR = ct.Reactor(contents=LH2)
LR.volume = TankVolume
""" Air as the ambient medium """
air = ct.Solution('air.cti')
air.TP = Tamb, ct.one_atm
Rin = ct.Reservoir(air)
""" Air as the medium for extraction. Set the outlet pressure to Pvent """
extr = ct.Solution('air.cti')
extr.TP = Tamb, Pvent * ct.one_atm
Rout = ct.Reservoir(extr)
""" Fuel cell reactor. Does not operate as FC """
FCH2 = ct.Hydrogen()
FCH2.TP = Tamb, Psupply * ct.one_atm
Rextr = ct.Reservoir(FCH2)
""" Tank wall for the heat addition """
TW1 = ct.Wall(LR, Rin, A=TankArea, U=0.36)
""" Initiate the supply if there is no dormancy time """
if DormTime != 0.0:
FCVLV = ct.MassFlowController(LR,Rextr,mdot=0.0)
MassOn = False
FCVLV = ct.MassFlowController(LR,Rextr,mdot=msupply)
MassOn = True
""" Valve for venting the H2 to the atmosphere if the pressure reached Pvent """
VVLV = ct.Valve(LR, Rout, K=1.0)
""" Reactor network for the tank """
network = ct.ReactorNet([LR])
""" Time integartion """
t = 0.0
dt = 60.0
print('{:>6s} {:>12s} {:>6s} {:>5s} {:>9s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>8s} {:>8s}'.format(
'Time', 'Press', 'Temp', 'VapFr', 'Mass', 'Vol', 'Dens', 'H2FC', 'H2Vent'))
print('{:6.0f} {:12.2f} {:6.2f} {:5.3f} {:9.3f} {:7.2f} {:7.3f} {:8.6f} {:8.6f}'.format(
t, LR.thermo.P, LR.thermo.T, LR.thermo.X, LR.get_state()[0],
LR.get_state()[1], LR.thermo.density_mass, FCVLV.mdot(t), VVLV.mdot(t)))
while t < 60.0*60*TotTime:
if LR.thermo.density_mass < 0.1: #Safety
t += dt
""" Initiate the FC mass flow after the dormancy time """
if t>= 60.0*60.0*DormTime and not MassOn:
if LR.thermo.P < Psupply:
print('WARNING: Pressure in tank lower than FC supply pressure. Supply will stay closed')
MassOn = True
print('{:6.0f} {:12.2f} {:6.2f} {:5.3f} {:9.3f} {:7.2f} {:7.3f} {:8.6f} {:8.6f}'.format(
t, LR.thermo.P, LR.thermo.T, LR.thermo.X, LR.get_state()[0],
LR.get_state()[1], LR.thermo.density_mass, FCVLV.mdot(t), VVLV.mdot(t)))
CVodesIntegrator :: integrate抛出的CanteraError: 遇到CVodes错误。错误代码:-3 在t = 18483.3和h = 0.00100341时,错误测试反复失败或| h |失败。 =小时 RHS评估中捕获到的异常: 密度必须为正 加权误差估计值最大的组件: 0:-15.9704 2:15.9166 1:0 3:0
这是Cantera MassFlowController