module.exports = {
'test case': function(client) {
*** go to a page and then execute this: ***
.execute (function (){
var list = document.getElementsByClassName('promo');
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var num = list[i].getAttribute('data');
//only data value equals to 4 numbers, click on that element
if(/^d{4}$/.test(num)) {
var a = i,
selector = "#container > div > div:nth-child("+a+") > div"
//code doesn't work! No div is clicked!
return client.click(selector);
//after redirecting to the new page, find element there.
client.waitForElementPresent('#form > button')
.expect.element('#form > button')
.text.to.contain("some word");