This proof of concept directive在Firefox Stack-blitz中以及将其导出到vs代码时都可以正常工作;但是,当我尝试将其引入应用程序时,它并没有给我任何错误,但是如您所见,它没有记录任何生命周期挂钩。这是浏览器中的外观:
快照中的第二个窗口: 指令:
import { Directive, OnInit, AfterViewInit, Input, HostListener, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
selector: '[windowsnap]'
export class WindowSnapDirective implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
scrollhistory = [];
parent = this.el.nativeElement;
constructor(private el: ElementRef) {
console.log('windowsnap constructor')
ngOnInit() {
console.log('windowsnap oninit')
ngAfterViewInit() {
console.log('windowsnap afterviewinit')
closest(num, arr) {
let curr = arr[0];
arr.forEach((val) => {
if (Math.abs(num - val) < Math.abs(num - curr)) {
curr = val
return curr;
@HostListener('mouseup') onMouseUp() {
// logging x-scroll history into an array
// this is to prevent unnecesary scrolls to the same component
if (this.parent.scrollLeft != this.scrollhistory[1]) {
// child element declarations
let child1El = this.parent.querySelector('child1');
let child2El = this.parent.querySelector('child2');
let child3El = this.parent.querySelector('child3');
// child1 boundaries
let child1leftBoundary: number = child1El.offsetLeft;
let child1middleBoundary: number = child1El.offsetWidth * 0.5 + child1leftBoundary;
let child1rightBoundary: number = child1El.offsetWidth + child1leftBoundary;
// console.log('child1 Left: ' + child1leftBoundary +', child1 Middle: ' + child1middleBoundary + ', child1 Right: ' + child1rightBoundary)
// child2 boundaries
let child2leftBoundary: number = child2El.offsetLeft;
let child2middleBoundary: number = child2El.offsetWidth * 0.5 + child2leftBoundary;
let child2rightBoundary: number = child2El.offsetWidth + child2leftBoundary;
// console.log('child2 Left: ' + child2leftBoundary + ', child2 Middle: ' + child2middleBoundary + ', child2 Right: ' + child2rightBoundary)
// child3 boundaries
let child3leftBoundary: number = child3El.offsetLeft;
let child3middleBoundary: number = child3El.offsetWidth * 0.5 + child3leftBoundary;
let child3rightBoundary: number = child3El.offsetWidth + child3leftBoundary;
console.log('child3 Left: ' + child3leftBoundary + ', child3 Middle: ' + child3middleBoundary + ', child3 Right: ' + child3rightBoundary)
// x view boundaries
let viewBoxL = (this.parent.scrollLeft)
let viewBoxC = (this.parent.scrollLeft + (this.parent.offsetWidth * 0.5))
let viewBoxR = (this.parent.scrollLeft + (this.parent.offsetWidth))
// console.log(viewBoxL);
// console.log( this.parent.scrollLeft + (this.parent.offsetWidth*0.5));
// console.log( this.parent.scrollLeft + (this.parent.offsetWidth));
//positioning calculations
let a = (viewBoxC - child1middleBoundary)
// console.log('a:' + a)
let b = (viewBoxC - child2middleBoundary)
// console.log('b:' + b)
let c = (viewBoxC - child3middleBoundary)
// console.log('c:' + c)
// make list of children mid points and get closest number to zero
let closestChildMid = this.closest(0, [a, b, c])
console.log("closest: " + closestChildMid)
//if a highest number scroll to childa
if (closestChildMid === a) {
child1El.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" });
//if b highest number scroll to childb
if (closestChildMid === b) {
child2El.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" });
//if c highest number scroll to childc
if (closestChildMid === c) {
child3El.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" });
不在快照中,而是在jsut中,因此您知道这在app.module中 指令模块:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { WindowSnapDirective } from './windowsnap.directive';
imports: [],
providers: [],
exports: [WindowSnapDirective],
declarations: [WindowSnapDirective]
export class WindowSnapModule { }
这是快照中的第三个窗口: 父组件:
import { OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { OrgStateService } from './../../shared/services/OrgManagement/OrgState.service';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { slideToRight } from '../../router.animations';
selector: 'app-org-management',
templateUrl: './org-management.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./org-management.component.css'],
// host: {
// 'class': 'blade-container'
// },
animations: [slideToRight()]
/** OrgManagement component*/
export class OrgManagementComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() {
console.log('org-management is running')
level0: string;
level1: string;
level2: string;
level3: string;
level4: string;
level5: string;
level6: string;
constructor(private viewstate: OrgStateService) {
this.viewstate.currentLevel0.subscribe(level0 => this.level0 = level0)
this.viewstate.currentLevel1.subscribe(level1 => this.level1 = level1)
this.viewstate.currentLevel2.subscribe(level2 => this.level2 = level2)
this.viewstate.currentLevel3.subscribe(level3 => this.level3 = level3)
this.viewstate.currentLevel4.subscribe(level4 => this.level4 = level4)
this.viewstate.currentLevel5.subscribe(level5 => this.level5 = level5)
this.viewstate.currentLevel6.subscribe(level6 => this.level6 = level6)
快照中的第一个窗口: 父模板:
<div class="blade-container" windowsnap>
<!-- level 1 -->
<org-management-blade #child01> </org-management-blade>
<!-- level 2 -->
<org-setup #child02 *ngIf="level2 === 'orgSetup'"></org-setup>
<!-- <process-user *ngIf="stateUserMan === 'processUserReq'"></process-user>
<pending-user *ngIf="stateUserMan === 'pendingUserReq'"></pending-user> -->
<!-- level 3 -->
<org-info #child03 *ngIf="level3 === 'orgInfo'"></org-info>
<org-admins #child03 *ngIf="level3 === 'orgAdmins'"></org-admins>
<org-cust-mapping #child03 *ngIf="level3 === 'custMapping'"></org-cust-mapping>
<org-security-profiles #child03 *ngIf="level3 === 'secProfiles'"></org-security-profiles>
<!-- level 4 -->
<org-create-admin #child04 *ngIf="level4 === 'orgCreateAdmin'"></org-create-admin>
<org-new-security-profile #child04 *ngIf="level4 === 'newSecProfile'"></org-new-security-profile>
<org-railroad-filter #child04 *ngIf="level4 === 'newSecRailroadFilter'"></org-railroad-filter>
<!-- level 5 -->
<org-security-permissions #child05 *ngIf="level5 === 'newSecPerms'"></org-security-permissions>
<!-- level 6 -->